英语作文50字 篇一:英语作文50句 1 By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks. 2 These days, people in growing numbers are beginning to complain that work is more stressful and less leisurely than in past. Many experts point out that , along with the development of modern society, it is an inevitable result and there is no way to avoid it . 3 Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market. 4 From what has been discussed above, I am fully convinced that the leisure life-style is undergoing a decline with the progress of modern society, it is not a bad thing. 5 It is suggested that governments ought to make efforts to reduce the increasing gap between cities and countryside. They ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improvement of the standard of peasants’ lives. They ought to invite some experts in agriculture to share their experiences, information and knowledge with peasants, which will contribute directly to the economic growth of rural areas. 5建议政府应该努力减少正在拉大的城乡差距,应该划拨适当的资金提高农民的生活水平;应该邀请农业专家向农民介绍他们的经历,知识和信息,这些将有助于开展农村经济。 6 People differ in their attitudes towards failure. Faced with it , some of them can stand up it, draw useful lessons from it and try hard to fulfill what they are determined to do. Others ,however, lose heart and give in. 7 It is desirable to build more hospitals, shopping centers,recreation centers,cinemas and other public facilities to meet the growing needs of people. 8 As a popular saying goes ,”everything has two sides .” Now,the public are benefiting more and more from scientific and technological inventions. On the other hand, the progress of science and technology is bringing us a lot of trouble. People in many countries are suffering from public hazards. 9 It is generally believed that the chief reason for the increase in population in developed countries is not so much the rise in birth rates as the decline in death rates as a result of the improvement in medical care. 10 There is no doubt that the increase in demand caused the rise in prices。毫无疑征询,需求的增长导致了价格的上涨。 篇二:我劳动节打算英语作文50词 篇一:我劳动节打算英语作文50词 【参考译文】:五一假期,我去外婆家。我想那一定是特别有意义的。由于她太老了,看我和我的父母,她一定特别想我。 我将和祖母一起去散步,给她买一些暑期他们必须适宜她最喜欢的。因而,我不认为这是一件容易的工作!因而这要花了我特别多时间。 购物后,我们将有一个良好的休息,在我祖母家吃午饭。 然后,我会清扫家里我祖母。 最后,我回家。 因而,我必须完成我的作文。 【正文】: on may 1sh, im going to my grandmothers home.i think that must be very significative.because she is too old to visit me and my parents, and she must be very have in mind our. i will go for a walk with my grandmother and buy she some summer wears.they must fit her like best. of course , i dont think that is a easy work! so it must takes me many time. after shopping, we will have a good rest and have lunch in my grandmothers home. and then, i will clean the home with my grandmother. at last, i go home. of course, i must finish my homewolk. 篇二:我劳动节打算英语作文50词 关于五一劳动节的英语作文:我的劳动节打算 相关内容:今天是五一劳动节我懒觉的缺点可就要犯了赖在床上如何也不想起来过了一会妈妈和爸爸急匆匆地跑过来爸爸说何山哪我和你妈妈要去荣耀大市场买家具你在家闲着没事做就劳动吗你好久没清扫你的房间里嗯就清扫你的房间说完就走了.爸爸的话哪能... 今天是劳动节,爸爸带我们去牌坊广场玩耍。牌坊广场的人特别多,有小孩,有成年人,还有白发苍苍的老爷爷和老奶奶。突然,我听到天上有声音,我抬头一看,原来是有一个人坐在动力伞上,动力伞在天空飞来飞去,像一只自由的小鸟,站在地上... 上午放学时,班主任金老师对我们说:为了美化我们的县城,今天下午出去劳动,一点半之前同学们要到校,去人民路擦路上的栏杆。记着,要戴着红领巾,穿上校服,拿着抹布。下午一点刚出头,有的同学就来到。 今天,我在家里做完了作业,觉得有点儿无聊,内心在想是到外面找人去玩呢,仍然做一点什么事情呢?正在这时,我看到地上有特别多脏东西,心想家里这么脏,要是来一个客人如何办?会笑话我们的。我现在空着,何不让我来把它们给处理掉。 往常场听长辈或书报上赞美那些社会最底层的劳动人民,往往是漫不经心,只当耳旁风,并没有什么深切的感受和体会。直到有一件小事打动了我,是我真正体会到了这一层含义!那是xx年的夏天,太阳正尽情的释放着它那火热的激情。 春风送爽,万象更新。沐浴在党的十七大的春风下,我们迎来了又一个工人阶级和劳动人民的光辉节日五一国际劳动节。每次过五一的时候我都会想起初中学到的那篇杨朔的《荔枝蜜》:多可爱的小生灵啊!对人无所求,给人的却是极好的东西。 今天,是五一劳动节,我们一家和我爸爸的老师一家要去薛埠镇的江南孔雀园玩耍。。众人曰:为何?勿急勿急,请各位先生们听我慢慢道来:话说2008年5月1日,乃是我国劳动节也。我们欢欢喜喜得到全省知名的江南孔雀园去玩耍。 五一国际劳动节来到了,放了三天的小长假,许多家庭一起出去旅游参观。就在我们尽情游 玩的时候,不要忘了还有许许多多的叔叔阿姨们仍然坚守在工作岗位上,不能回家与亲人们团聚。 查看更多篇三:我劳动节打算英语50词 篇五:我劳动节英语作文50词 那是我第一次过圣诞节,朋友带我去参加圣诞舞会,在舞会上我们跳舞、唱圣诞歌,我也认识了一些其他朋友,我们互相交换礼物并互道祝愿,我过得特别愉快。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4f08fd7a1411cc7931b765ce0508763231127473.html