望子成龙的英文怎么说 望子成龙的英文怎么说 望子成龙的英文: [Literal Meaning] expect/son/become/dragon to hope one's son will turn out a dragon [解释] 望:盼望,希望;龙:比喻出人头地的人物。希望自己的子女能在学业和事业上成为出色的.人物。 [Explanation] to expect one's son to make great achievement [例子] 中国的家长都望子成龙,从小就给孩子很大的压力,比如参加各种学前班。 [Example] Chinese parents all expect their children to make great achievement and give their kids pressure since childhood, for instance, taking many preschool classes. [英文等价词] long to see one's son succeed in life long to see one’s son become a dragon (i.e.,win success in the world) 参考例句: Ambitious for one's children 望子成龙.Groomed for stardom by ambitious parents 由望子成龙的父母培养作演员 Ambitious Japanese parents have made private, out-of-school tuition a thriving business. 家长望子成龙使得私人开办校外辅导班在日本已经成为热门。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4f2f667cee630b1c59eef8c75fbfc77da3699747.html