英语小报三年级上册中动物 英语手抄报动物园内容: My favorite small animal is the puppy, because it is very obedient, but also very cute. Our little dog, with a coat of yellow and white hair and eyes as clear as a pair of black pearls, was named "Tsutsu" . A puppy's tail is interesting. When the puppy is happy, his tail will wag. When the puppy is angry, his tail will straighten up. Tsutsu was greedy. He ate only meat and bones, not vegetables and rice. He loved to play hide and seek with me. 我最喜欢的小动物是小狗,因为它很听话,也很可爱。 我家的小狗,长着一身黄白色的毛,眼睛圆溜溜的像一对黑珍珠似的炯炯有神,我们给它取名叫“豆豆”。小狗的尾巴很有趣。 小狗一高兴,尾巴就会摇起来,小狗一生气,尾巴就会直起来。 豆豆可馋了,它只吃肉和骨头,不吃菜和米饭,它很爱和我玩躲猫猫,每当我一藏起来,它都会一下子把我找出来,把我逗的哈哈大笑。 v 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/4f3ecac7d25abe23482fb4daa58da0116c171f8c.html