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1. He feels that he is not yet _____to travel abroad. 2010年真题53

A. too strong B. enough strong C. so strong D. strong enough 答案D


解析:考查副词与形容词的搭配。句中在too strong 前已用了否定式,后面不能再跟tooto表否定,故A不对。C中的so as to 搭配才表示结果,B,D中,enough 修饰形容词应该放在其后,所以D正确。

2. We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and _____.2009年真题 71 A. conducive B. wholesome C. helpful D. appreciative



解析:这是一道形容词词义辨析题。conducive 有益于;wholesome 有益健康的;helpful于助人的;appreciative赞赏的,或对……非常感谢。因此,可以判断答案为B.

3. The young employee has a(n)______ quality - he is totally honest. 2009年真题 80 A. respectable B. admirable C. decent D. approachable


句意:这个年轻的职员有一个非常好的优点,他非常诚实。 解析:这是近义形容词辨析题。选项都有“和蔼可亲”之意,但也有细微的差别。Respectable指行为、衣着符合社会规范而“得体,可敬”如admirable, achievementdecent指遵从大多数人认可的道德行为标准而“正派的,规矩的approachable“容易接近的,友善的”。句中说该职员诚实,强调他的道德品质,故用C最合适。

4. Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably ________a threat to the human race than environmental destruction. 2007年真题 62 A. no more B. not more C. even more D. much more 答案B 句意:人口过剩对人类造成了严重的威胁。但是它对人类构成的威胁可能并不比环境破坏造成的威胁大。 解析:本题考查的是形容词比较级的否定式no more than not more than的区别。Yet 常用于否定句和疑问句,也就是下句是对上句的否定,排除C.D. no more than 定的是前后两个比较对象,意思是“两个都不”,不符合逻辑。所以应该选B.

5. The reception was attended by __ members of the local community. 2006年真题 77 A. excellent B. conspicuous .C. prominent D. noticeable 答案 C


解析:形容词词义辨析题。Excellent指出色的,优秀的; conspicuous用以形容明显或值得注意的事物; prominent只有重要的,杰出的,卓越的等含义; noticeable指被注意或觉察的事物。因此此题选C.

6. His brain has worked away on the idea of a universal cure. 2006年真题 79 A rich B quick C productive D fertile 答案D


解析:形容词词义辨析题。Rich不能和brain搭配,quick brain意思是头脑敏捷,灵活;productive指富饶的,多产的;fertile用来修饰人脑时,指主意多的,有创造力的。故D为最佳答案。

7. The couple has donated a not__ amount of money to the foundation. 2006年真题 80 A. inconsiderable .B. inconsiderate C. inaccurate D. incomparable 答案A


解析:形容词词义辨析题。Inconsiderable意思是微小的,价值低的; inconsiderate 体贴的,不为人着想的;inaccurate不准确的 incomparable无双的,不可比拟的。只有A项符合题意,可以修饰money

8. His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by his colleagues. 2005年真题 70 A. imaginative B. ingenious C. impractical D. theoretical 答案C


解析:考查形容词的含义及用法。本句中condemn 谴责,反对,表明后面的形容词一定是带贬义的词。四个选项中只有impractical “不切实际的,不实用的”带贬义,所以选C. ingenious聪明的,精巧的;imaginative想象的,虚构的;theoretical 理论上的。为中性词。

9. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, ____ to the truck.2004年真题 57

A. the greater stress is B. greater is the stress C. the stress is greater D. the greater the stress 答案D



10.the mother need ____bottle feeds for she doesn’t have enough milk to breast-feed her baby. 2003年真题 66

A. extra B. additional C. supplementary D. surplus 答案C




1. To an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a ____experience. A. hysterical B. grievous C. gracious D. sensible 答案B

解析:形容词意辨析题,hysterical情绪异常激动的, 歇斯底里般的; grievous令人伤心或痛苦的 (指坏事)剧烈的,严重的;gracious有礼貌的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的, 亲切的;sensible意识到;认识到。根据句意,对于一个极度敏感的孩子来说,一句责骂都会是一次很痛苦的经历,所以应该选B.

2. Willian is very hardworking, but his play is not ____ for his work.

A. enough good B. good enough C. as good enough D. good as enough 答案 B

解析:考查副词与形容词的位置。Enough 应该放在形容词的后面。

3The more acid you add to the solution, ____it becomes.

A. cloudier B. the cloudiest C. more cloudy D. the cloudier 答案D

解析:考查形容词比较级的用法。这个句子的意思是:在溶液中加入越多的酸,那溶液就会变得越浑浊。The+形容词比较级,the+形容词比较级 为固定结构。

4. A state with more ____instruments in its hands will find that with small men no great thing can really be accomplished.

A. tractable B. mild C. docile D. controllable 答案C

解析:形容词辨析题。tractable易处理的,驯服的,温顺的;mild 温柔的, 温和itable for , 善的; docile容易教的;易驾驶的;驯服的; controllable可管理的,可操纵的,可控制的.根据句意应该选


5.The first apartment we were shown was extremely____, but not suitable for a family with children.

A. exquisite B. scenic C. exuberant D. handsome 答案:A

解析:形容词词义辨析题。句意是:我们看的第一个公寓非常精美,可是不适合一个有孩子的家庭去住。exquisite精致的, 精美的;scenic自然景色的;景色优美的;exuberant兴高采烈; 精力充沛的; 热情洋溢的;. handsome (男子)英俊的.(女子)清秀的, 端庄健美的。根据句意,应

