我心飞扬 -Fly Your Drea

时间:2023-01-27 11:17:50 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

我心飞扬 Fly Your Drea

回忆昨日的时光, 憧憬明天的梦想, 追求理想的光芒, 书写未来的辉煌, 哪年哪月哪一天起, 我们都在想…… 这年这月这一天, 我们会如愿以偿。 Recalling back to the old days, Longing for tomorrows dreams, Pursuing ideals radiance, Composing futures brilliance.

Since which year, which month or which day on

We all cherish a same thought

Right from this time on,

Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.
