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衣着的英文: clothes参考例句:

Masculine attire.有男人味的衣着。

Humphrey was outwardly dapper and composed as usual汉弗莱同往常 衣着的英文: clothes

参考例句: Masculine attire. 有男人味的衣着。

Humphrey was outwardly dapper and composed as usual 汉弗莱同往常一样衣着整齐,镇定自若。

He was a Tallish, handsomish man in pretty fine clothes 他身材很高,仪表堂堂,衣着讲究。

The magnificent beau is dancing to the light of chandeliers. 这个衣着华丽的花花公子在枝形吊灯灯光下翩翩起舞。

Uncle Sam is portrayed as scruffy, mean and bitter 山姆大叔的形象被画得衣着邋遢、吝啬且心胸狭窄。

Through the crowd of ungainly, shabbily dressed actors, Sibyl Vane moved like a creature from a finer world


I hate to see men overdressed;a man ought to look like he's put together by accident,not add up on purpose.


In rags; in poor clothes 衣着褴褛的

She is extravagant in dress. 她衣着华丽。

She is choice of her dress. 她对衣着很挑剔。
