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【期刊名称】《灾害学》 【年(),期】2018(033)001

【摘 要】随着全球气候变化的日益加剧,气候灾害不仅受到了自然科学界的关注,逐渐引起了社会科学界的重视.近年来自然科学与社会科学逐步结合,开展了针对气候灾害的综合研究,在理论和实践中取得了初步的成绩.近年来,气候灾害风险综合研究已经应用到对诸如非洲和印尼干旱、太平洋地区的厄尔尼洛现象等气候灾害的研究中.因此,在气候变化背景下,气候灾害风险综合研究已经成为了一个前沿和新兴的科研领域.气候灾害风险综合研究重点包括风险的解释和行动、风险预防与灾害治理、气候灾害与人类社会的关系等,其核心是更好地理解和应对由于自然或者人为因素引发的气候灾害风险带来的挑战.未来气候灾害风险综合研究可以从跨学科的综合研究和结合实际的运用实践两个方面发展.%With the development of global climate change,climate disasters are not only paid close attention to by the natural sciences,but also gradually attracted the attention of the social sciences.In recent years,natural science and social science have been combined to carry out the integrated research on climate disaster risk.In recent years,the integrated research on climate disaster risk has been applied to the study of such as the Pacific region,Africa and Indonesia arid climate disasters in Eerniluo phenomenon.Therefore,in the context of climate change,the integrated research on climate disaster risk has become a frontier and emerging research field.The integrated research on climate

disaster risk includes the explanation and action of risk,risk prevention and disaster management,the relationship between climate disaster and human society etc.,the core is to better understand and deal with the challenges caused by natural or human factors caused by the risk of climate disasters.In the future,the integrated research on climate disaster risk can be developed from two aspects,which are interdisciplinary research and practical application. 【总页数】6(P156-161) 【作 者】尹仑

【作者单位】云南民族大学云南省民族研究院,云南昆明650034 【正文语种】 【中图分类】P46;P44;X43 【相关文献】

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