letter time翻译中文

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letter time翻译中文

"Letter Time" 中文翻译: 信件时间 例句:

1. 我喜欢花费一些"Letter Time"来写信给远方的朋友。

(I like to spend some "Letter Time" writing letters to friends far away.) 2. 我们可以在每周的"Letter Time"中写信给家人和朋友。

(We can write letters to family and friends during our weekly "Letter Time.")

3. 有时候在一段"Letter Time"中写信比打发时间刷手机更有意义。

(Sometimes it's more meaningful to spend a "Letter Time" writing letters than mindlessly scrolling through your phone.)

4. "Letter Time"可以让我们有时间认真倾听自己的内心想法。

("Letter Time" can give us time to seriously listen to our own inner thoughts.) 5. 我已经预订了下周的"Letter Time"来写给我的朋友一封长信。

(I've already scheduled my "Letter Time" next week to write a long letter to my friend.) 6. 在这个快节奏的时代里,我发现"Letter Time"是我放松和反思的喘息时刻。

(In this fast-paced world, I find "Letter Time" to be my breathing space for relaxation and reflection.)

7. 我花了整整一下午的"Letter Time"来写一封感谢信,那是我送别同事之前的最后一封信。

(I spent a whole afternoon of "Letter Time" writing a thank-you letter, which was my last letter to a colleague before I left.)

8. 每次坐在窗边听着音乐,我就会拿过信纸开始一个"Letter Time"

(Whenever I sit by the window and listen to music, I grab a piece of paper and start a "Letter Time.")

9. 这个周末我计划在户外享受阳光的同时,用"Letter Time"给我最好的朋友写信。 (This weekend, I plan to enjoy the sunshine outdoors while using "Letter Time" to write a letter to my best friend.)

10. 在这个每个人都害怕错失任何事情的时代,"Letter Time"是我们与宁静和思考相连的大门。

(In this age where everyone fears missing out on anything, "Letter Time" is our gateway to peace and contemplation.)
