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One an icy winter, a worried mother was sitting by her dying child. The boy looked pale with his eyes closed. Suddenly, with a knock on the door, a poor old man came in. 一个冰天雪地的冬天,一位母亲坐在奄奄一息的孩子身旁。孩子面色苍白,双眼紧闭。突然有人敲门,进来一位穷苦的老头儿。

The mother gave some beer to the trembling old man. “God will not bring him away, will he?” asked the mother. The old man, the God of Death, nodded peculiarly. 母亲给冻得发抖的老头儿倒了一点啤酒。母亲问道:上帝不会把他从我手中夺去的,是不是?她问。这个老头儿——他就是死神——用一种奇怪的姿势点了点头。

Not having slept a second for three days, the mother fell asleep. But she woke up soon. “What’s up?” She looked around and found the man and her child gone. 三天三夜没合过眼的母亲睡着了,不过片刻后便打着寒颤惊醒了。怎么回事?,她环顾四周发现老头儿和她的孩子都不见了。 The poor mother went outside, crying for her child. A woman in black robe, the God of Night, told her that the God of Death hurried away with a child. 可怜的母亲跑到门外来,哭喊着她的孩子。雪地上一个穿黑长袍的女人——她就是夜之神——告诉她死神把她的孩子带走了。 “Please tell me which direction they went,” said mother. The woman said “I know, but you must sing to me the songs you have sung to your child.” Mother did so. Then the God of Night

pointed right of the forest to the mother. 母亲说:请告诉我,他朝哪个方向走了?夜之神说:我知道!但是你必须把你对孩子唱过的歌都唱给我听。母亲只好唱歌给她听。然后,夜之神告诉她死神抱着孩子往森林的右边去了。

Then she came to a crossing with nothing but a cluster of brambles. And she asked the brambles which way to go. It answered, “Yes, but I will not tell you his direction unless you would hug me on the chest.” 然后她来到一个只有荆棘的岔路口。母亲问荆棘丛她该怎么走。荆棘丛说:除非你把我抱在你的胸脯上温暖一下,否则我不会告诉你他去的方向。

Then she hugged it so tightly that it planted into her muscle and that her blood trickled out. And then it told her the direction. 于是她就把荆棘丛紧紧地抱在自己的胸脯上。荆棘刺进她的肌肉,她的血一滴一滴地流了出来。于是荆棘丛告诉了她朝哪个方向走。
