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benhow much is it?多少钱一个?lily15 yuan.十五块钱。 简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇二johnhello, i want to buy a newspaper. which one do you recommend?您好,买报纸。

您推荐一个吧?lilyit depends on what you're interested in. there are different categories such as science, economy, politics and so on.这看您喜好了。


johni do not have a preference for any specific category.什么都行。 lilythen buy the china daily. it is relatively comprehensive in news coverage.那就买《中国日报》吧,新闻报道还是挺全面的。

johna famous newspaper, i'll just get that then.这报纸很有名,就买这个吧。

简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇三MaryDo you sell extra memory here?你这儿卖内存吗?JohnYes, for a laptop or desktop?卖,您要笔记本的还是台式机的?MaryLaptop.笔记本的。

JohnWhat kind of memory do you want? 1 GB or 512 MB? Samsung or Kingston? DDR1 or DDR2?你打算买什么样的?1G的还是512m?星的还是金士顿的?DDR一代的还是二代的?MaryWell, I want two 1G DDR2 Kingstons. How much are they?我买俩1G的金士顿二代的。 多少钱?JohnI'll give you a preferential price for two. 300 yuan.两个


MarySure. And I will bring my notebook over. Could you install them for me?好的。


johni…it's weird for me to wear other people's clothes.……我不习惯穿别人的衣服。

lilythen you can go to the silk market. it's a little cheaper there.那你可以去秀水看看,那里的可能便宜点儿。

简单的购物英语对话带翻译篇五MaryExcuse me, I want to buy a new phone.你好,我要买个手机。

JohnWhat kind did you have in mind?想选个什么样的?MaryI'm interested in a flip phone with a color screen and English menu capabilities.我想要个翻盖,彩屏带英文菜单的。

JohnWe have a few of those in stock.我们有几款这样的。 MaryWhich one is the cheapest?哪个最便宜?JohnThe cheapest one only comes in black. Here is it.最便宜的只有黑色。 这个就是了。

MaryI don't like that color. Is there anything else?我不喜欢这个颜色。

有别的吗?JohnYes. But it's a little bit more expensive.有,不过贵一些。
