
时间:2023-03-03 22:13:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

以培养和提高学生的英语综合水平作为最终目的,在进行英语教学中运用真实且自然的语境,有利于增强学生的学习热情度,还有利于形成学生在学习参与过程中处于主动、积极的学习状态。店铺整理了简单英语对话短文带翻译,欢迎阅读! 简单英语对话短文带翻译一

Today is Valentine's Day. Steven sends Julia a bouquet of red roses, but she isn't very happy.

今天是情人节。史蒂文送给茱莉娅一束红玫瑰,但她不是很高兴。 Steven: Happy Valentine's Day, honey, (hand the roses to Julia) 史蒂文:情人节快乐,亲爱的。 (把花递给茱莉娅)

Julia: Thank you. But I don't like Valentine's Day because it has become too commercial.

茱莉娅:谢谢。但我不喜欢情人节,因为它已经变得太商业化了。 Steven: There is not a single romantic bone in your whole body, Julia.

史蒂文:在你的整个身体里连一个浪漫的细胞也没有,朱莉娅。 Julia: You are wrong. I just hate wasting money. 茱莉娅:你错了。我只是不喜欢浪费钱。

Steven: You should relax a little and get into the sweet atmosphere of Valentine's Day.

史蒂文:你应该放松一点,感受情人节的甜蜜气氛。 Julia: Maybe. What about a nice love song? 茱莉亚:或许吧。来一首好的情歌怎么样? 简单英语对话短文带翻译二

Today is the Lantern Festival of China, Li Lei andSteven are in the street now.


Steven: Wow, there are so many lanterns toappreciate.


Li Lei: Now. you can see why it's called the LanternFestival. 李雷:现在,你知道它为什么被称为“灯笼节”了。 Steven: Yes. it deserves its name. 史蒂文:是的,真是名副其实啊。

Li Lei: Did you notice the characters on the lanterns? 李雷:你注意到灯笼上的字了吗?

Steven: Sure. But you know that I can't read any Chinese characters. What do they say?

史蒂文:当然了。但是你知道我不认识汉字的。写的是什么啊? Li Lei: They are puzzles. It's a tradition to solve the puzzles on the lanterns during the LanternFestival.

李雷:它们是字谜。元宵节猜灯笼上的字谜是一个传统。 Steven: It's interesting and I want to buy one home. 史蒂文:真是太有趣了,我要买一个回家。 简单英语对话短文带翻译三

Julia has a tendency to do some plastic surgeries.Now she is talking with Steven about this.

茱莉娅想做整容手术。现在她正在跟史蒂文谈论着此事。 Julia: Oh, my god! I look so old. I look as if I were40. I think it's time for some plastic surgeries. I'mtired of these wrinkles and sagging skin.


Steven: I don't see any wrinkles or sagging skin! You'd better stop being so ridiculous.


Julia: Anyway I think I need a nose job and some breast implants as well.

