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汉语解释:冬瓜(学名:Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.)葫芦科,冬瓜属一年生蔓生或架生草本,茎被黄褐色硬毛及长柔毛,有棱沟,叶柄粗壮,被粗硬毛和长柔毛,雌雄同株,花单生,果实长圆柱状或近球状。那么,你知道吗 中文: 冬瓜

冬瓜的英语: Benincasa hispida; wax gourd; white gourd (葫芦科一年生植物, 果实作蔬菜, 皮、子入中药); Chinese watermelon ; 冬瓜的英语例句:


The winter melon balls are then steamed for four minutes. 冬瓜利于排毒,也有助于减肥。 A white gourd is rich in pulp. 旱冬瓜林的微生物数量是最丰富的。

The microbe quantity in the drought white gourd forest was the most abundant.


Todays special soup is sliced ham and winter melon soup. 它叫冬瓜鸡咖喱,或者用泰语讲是gaengkhuafakgubgai It is Chicken and wax gourd curry or gaeng khua fak gub gai in Thai.

她很可爱,不过是个矮冬瓜。 Shes cute, but she is a shrimp.


fired Japanese steamed egg tomato chinese watermelon and sea food soup

1. I like white gourds, but not pumpkins. 我喜欢吃冬瓜, 但不喜


2. Gump: flavour, wax gourd, micro cold water, the alexipharmic function clearingsitting. 冬瓜: 味甘淡 性微寒,功效清热利水, 解毒生津.

3. Ingredients: wax gourd, glucose syrup, refined vegetable oil, flavor ( salt,spices, HVP, natural essential oil ), antioxidant. 配料: 葡萄糖浆 精炼植物油 调味料 ( 精盐 香辛料 解植物蛋白 天然植物精油 ) 抗氧化剂.

4. Cut the wax - gourd sugar and fat meat into small pieces. 内馅的冬瓜糖、肥猪肉切丁.

5. Zhong Babao wax gourd soup is a fresh season. 八宝冬瓜盅是夏令一种汤食.

6. Fig . 1 . Symptoms of Fusarium wilt of wax gourd at a field. 一、冬瓜萎凋病在田间的病徵.

7. Products: Sweet potato, white gourd, Chinese cabbage, persimmon, tomato,towel gourd, soybean. 主要产品: 马铃薯 大白菜 小方柿、甜椒 西红柿 丝瓜 大豆. 8. Dongguashan copper mine has such characteristics as high stress ( 30~38MPa ) and rockburst possibility. 冬瓜山铜矿深井具有高应力 ( 30~38MPa)、存在岩爆倾向的特点.

9. As to wax gourd containers broth, it was this name. 以冬瓜作为容器炖汤, 故得此名.

10. She likes the taste of waxground handleless cups very much. 她很喜欢冬瓜盅子的味道.

11. Is wax gourd water content high 冬瓜含水量高 12. Shes cute, but she is a shrimp. 她很可爱, 不过是个矮冬瓜. 13. Products: Shrimp sauce white - gourd sauce, chilli oil. 主要产: 麻虾酱、冬瓜酱油 辣油.

14. Wax gourd juice into the face, is complete. 将汁倒进冬瓜面,
