
时间:2022-03-22 22:30:13 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
Module 1

he (he’s=he is) doctor

she she’s=she is me nurse driver policeman pupil

Module 2 Where

(where’s=where is ) in on hat under toy bed

look at bear

Module 3

eleven twelve dont=do not know other fish tree let’s

Module4 head touch nose face ear

mouth eye body these leg hand

feet (foot) baby


Module5 they

they’re=they are cow pig farm duck chicken egg thin very fat big little

Module6 snake short small elephant go zoo long giraffe tall

tiger cute strong horse

aret=are not

Module7 there is animal can see

there are help

over there table we miaow some at


Module8 a pair of shorts shirt shoe swim ok sock put on clothes here football basketball ping-pong

Module9 like lion them all play with together favourite sport

guess meatball

what about? Swimming

Module10 idea hot

go swimming sing dance tired

