2020高考英语作文预测及参考范文(考研也可参考) 个人关爱持续受到关注,随着各种压力加大,我们在提倡努力奋斗的时候,在 提倡关爱他人的时候,也可以关心下自己,这不是自私,这是个人的需要,对 身心健康有利,从这个角度说,学习下相关表达,用在作文当中,角度新颖, 避免雷同。可以用在以下话题:学生身心健康、释放压力,关爱他人与个人品 质,甚至可以用在热点讨论,照顾好自己就是体谅别人。另外疫情时热点,又 不能直接考,和疫情相关的就是重点,疫情之下,做好个人防护,是爱自己也 是爱他人。 题目要求,以个人关爱为题,写一篇150字左右的作文,内容就如何做好个人 关爱谈谈看法,并举例说明。要求内容完整、语言规范、逻辑清晰、字数适当。 Self care is necessary for our physical and mental health, yet often it's the first thing we drop when we find ourselves stretched for time. Without adequate self care, we are less likely to be the best possible version of ourselves, and our relationships, work, and experience of the world suffers as a result. 自我关爱对我们的身心健康是必要的,但当我们发现自己步履匆匆时, 自我关爱往往是我们放弃的第一件事。如果没有足够的自我照顾,我 们就不太可能成为最好的自己,我们的人际关系、工作和对世界的体 验也因此受到影响。 I think there are many ways for us to keep self-care, especially the following four aspects: 我认为保持自我关爱方法很多,尤其是以下四个方面。 Firstly, self care is conventionally portrayed as pampering yourself, however, what it's really about is meeting your human needs. This could be a need for relaxation, a need for quiet, a need for connection, a need for stability, and much more. 首先,自我照顾通常被描述为纵容自己,然而,它真正的目的是满足 你作为人的需求,因为我们需要放松,需要安静,需要联系,需要稳 定等等。 Secondly,while we're on the subject of time, let's talk about priorities. When we feel like we don't have time to do something important, it's either because we're not making time, or because our priorities are out of alignment with what we actually need. Everything we do with our time is a choice. It might feel like we 'have' to do certain things, but, in reality, we have complete control over how we spend our time. 第二,当我们讨论时间问题时,让我们谈谈优先事项时,或当我们觉 得没有时间去做一些重要的事情时,要么是因为我们没有时间,要么 是因为我们的优先事项与我们实际需要的不一致。我们花时间做的每 件事都是一种选择。这可能让人觉得我们“必须”做某些事情,但实 际上,我们完全可以控制自己的时间。 Thirdly, when you start deliberately taking time for yourself and saying 'no' to commitments and requests, you might experience resistance from people around you. This can be emotionally challenging, especially if you're not used to saying 'no' or placing your preferences above other people's. If you're faced with thiskind of resistance, you need to be assertive about your needs and bound. 第三,当你开始努为自己争取时间,对承诺和要求说“不”时,你可 能会遇到周围人的抵制。这在情感上是很有挑战性的,尤其是当你不 习惯说“不”或者把自己的喜好放在别人的之上时。如果你面对这种 阻力,你需要明确自己的需要,对自己的界限了如指掌。 Lastly, practising some kind of self care activity that takes 10-15 minutes a day is far more helpful than one that takes two hours once a month. 最后,练习一种每天花10-15分钟的自我关爱活动,远比一个月花两 个小时一次更有帮助。 All in all ?self care doesn't have to involve a lot of money, nor does it require a lot of time. If you're struggling to fit self care into your routine, start small, prioritise, and listen to what you need.Self care is not a luxury. It's not selfish and it's not indulgent. Self care is absolutely necessary to your physical and mental health 总之,自我关爱不需要花很多钱,也不需要很多时间。如果你正在努 力将自我关爱融入你的日常生活,那么从小事做起,关注重点,倾听 你所需要的。 自我关爱不是自私,也不是放纵,不过对你的身心健康是绝对必要的。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/59dfdd1d7fd184254b35eefdc8d376eeaeaa178a.html