如何节约用水英语句子 1、控制水龙头出水量。 Control the water output of the tap. 2、使用省水型马桶或是装置节制水流量的设备。 Use water saving toilet or device to control water flow. 3、随手关紧水龙头,并且在每次出门前和临睡前仔细检查水龙头是否关好。 Turn off the tap immediately, and carefully check whether the tap is turned off before going out and going to bed. 4、用淘米水洗碗筷,可降低洗洁精的污染和用水量。 Washing dishes and chopsticks with rice washing water can reduce the pollution and water consumption of detergent. 5、尽量缩短每天洗澡的时间。 Try to shorten the time of bathing every day. 6、刷牙时应先把水龙头关掉,用漱口杯盛水即可。 When brushing your teeth, turn off the tap first and use a mouthwash cup to hold water. 7、洗脸以盆代替水流。 Wash your face with a basin instead of water. 8、洗碗洗菜时先盛出需要的水量,改掉开着水龙头任水狂流的坏习惯。 When washing dishes and vegetables, first fill out the required amount of water, and get rid of the bad habit of letting the water flow wildly with the tap on. 9、做家务时,先以水桶装取适量的水,再进行后续的擦拭与清洁。 When doing housework, first take an appropriate amount of water in a bucket, and then carry out subsequent wiping and cleaning. 10、把所有蔬果集中在一个盆子里,以小水流的方式慢慢洗。 Put all the fruits and vegetables in a basin and wash them slowly in a small stream. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5b495211cc84b9d528ea81c758f5f61fb73628fd.html