
时间:2023-04-10 23:03:21 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

Life history varies by the species' body size and geographic distribution. The reproductive cycle within the same species is also related to latitude. Some species migrate inland to ancestral camp nest areas to lay their eggs, while S.demersus (donkey song penguins) and young penguins breed twice a year, and most species breed only once a year. The king penguin (A.patagonica) is bred twice in three years. The king and emperor penguins lay one egg at a time, while the other species produce two, occasionally three. Most penguins breed in the spring and summer months of the southern Hemisphere. Some populations of Papua penguins (P.papua) also breed in winter. Emperor penguins develop for a long time, so they begin to reproduce in autumn, so that the chicks have the greatest survival rate in summer.
