教材浪费惊人 Reusing textbooks meaningful 数据显示教材浪费惊人 In the past five years, about 2.8 billion school textbooks were sold per year, with total spending of 20 billion yuan ($3.04 billion), news magazine Outlook Weekly reported, citing data released recently by the National Press and Publication Administration. 《瞭望》新闻周刊引用国家新闻出版署近日公布的数据表示,近5年全国各类教材的零售数量,平均每年约28亿册、金额达200亿元。 If these textbooks are reused for one year, the costs saved can be used to help build about 40,000 Hope Schools in impoverished regions. 这些教材若循环使用一年,节约费用可援建约4万所希望小学。 Because of supply chains' obstruction, which increases the costs to match supply with demand, and the lack of a sound platform and service supporting system for the second-hand textbook trade, most of the textbooks used for compulsory education and higher education end up as waste. 由于产业链梗阻加大供需匹配成本,而且二手教材市场缺乏完善的平台和服务体系支撑,多数义务教育阶段和高等教育阶段的教材最终都成了废品。 Also, the incomplete policies and regulations might bring second-hand book sales platforms and sellers legal risks. 此外,政策法规不完善可能让二手书销售平台及卖家遭遇法律风险。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5b5080bd6cdb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f77c64d40.html