中国英语怎么写 中国(China),位于东亚,是一个以华夏文明为主体、中华文化为基础,以汉族为主要民族的统一多民族国家,通用汉语。中国疆域内的各个民族统称为中华民族,龙是中华民族的象征。那么,你知道中国的英语怎么写吗? 中国的英文释义: China Chinese Cathay CN the People's Republic of China 中国的英文例句: 那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。 That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese. 中国人用筷子吃饭。 The Chinese eat with chopsticks. 一位德国科学家打断了我,并问我是否来自中国。 A German scientist interrupted me and asked if I came from China. 中国和许多国家进行多方面贸易。 China does a lot of trade with many countries. 中国是一个有着悠久历史的东方国家。 China is an oriental country with a long history. 北京是中国的首都。 Beijing is the capital of China. 主张对中国汇率政策采取强硬态度的人承认,全球经济衰退在中国贸易顺差的大幅下降中发挥了一定的作用。 Yuan hawks acknowledge that the global downturn played a role in that slump. 中国领导人说过中国永远不做超级大国。 Chinese leaders have already said china will never be a super power. 中国曾经声称东海气田完全在中国的专属经济区内。 China has said that the fields lie entirely within its zone of economic control. 这辆汽车是中国制造的。 This car is made in China. 这艘轮船是中国制造的。 This ship was made in China. 我们从中国启航驶往日本。 We set sail from China for Japan. 她打算与她的朋友一起在中国玩些日子。 She proposed to spend some time with her friends in China. ‘北京是中国的首都’,这个句子就是一个命题。 The sentence, Beijing is the capital of China is a proposition. 这些艺术作品是中国人民创造性的见证。 These art works bear witness to the creativeness of the Chinese people. 这些岛屿一向属中国管辖,这是众所周知的。 These islands have always been under Chinese jurisdiction. This is known to all. 辽宁是中国的一个省份。 Liaoning is one of China's provinces. 是中国人都爱中国。 Every Chinese loves China. 中国新疆的吐鲁番盆地是世界最低的盆地。盆地最低点在海平面以下154米。 The Turban Basin in Xinjiang is the world's lowest-lying basin, the lowest pointbeing 154 metres below sea level. 本文来源: