采草莓用英语怎么说 采草莓:草莓历来被视为甜蜜爱情的象征,粉红色的草莓不禁让人想起你可爱的恋人,二月的微风拂面,初春的气息悄然来临,带上爱人去踏青采摘最浪漫不过了!提着竹筐,在草莓地中穿梭,出来的时候已是满载而归。那么,你知道采草莓的英文怎么说吗? 采草莓的英文释义: Pick strawberries harvest strawberries 采草莓的英文例句: 去了草莓农庄采草莓。 Strawberry picking at the strawberry farm. shanronxuesong. 如果你不太喜欢这个小型的沙拉条的主意,你可以考虑一下一种简洁波采草莓沙拉。 If you want to avoid the mini-salad bar idea, consider a simple and elegant Spinach and Strawberry salad. 从前,有个女孩儿,她的母亲去世了,继母对她很不好,大冬天的,却让她去森林中采草莓。 Once, there was a girl whose mother was dead and she was ill-treated by herstepmother. 小径上雪花遮住了一行脚印,是不是采草莓的女孩儿刚刚从童话里经过我的身旁? The snowflakes on the trail have covered up the footprints. Was that the girl whopicked the strawberries just passing by me from the fairy tale? 现在我们的国小“生活与伦理”课本,“爱国”的故事是这样讲的:有一天,爸爸带龙龙去苗栗大湖采草莓。 Now in our elementary school "life and ethics" textbook, "patriotic" and say thisstory is this: One day his father brought cloudy to Miaoli County, the Great Lakesto pick strawberries. 女孩子们采草莓去了。 The girls have gone berrying . 我们就在你的园子里逛逛,自己采草莓,坐在树底下。 We are to walk about your gardens, and gather the strawberries ourselves, andsit under trees; 如果你不去森林给我采点草莓回来,我就把你揍成肉酱。 If you don't go to the forest and bring me back a basket of strawberries, I will beatyou to a jelly. “快点儿,我的孩子,采一些草莓吧。”六月说。 "Make haste, my child, and gather your strawberries, " said June. 她采了一些草莓给他。 She picked him some strawberries. 研究热水处理对草莓采后病害的抑制作用及对贮藏品质的影响。 The control efficacy with hot-water treatments to postharvest diseases and itseffects on the quality of strawberries were investigated. 施洗约翰节前夕,阿黛勒在海村小路上采了半天的野草莓,累坏了,太阳一落山就上床睡觉。 On Midsummer-eve, Adele, weary with gathering wild strawberries in Hay Lanehalf the day, had gone to bed with the sun. 凯恩表示,被蜜蜂或壁蜂采过的红莓花长的草莓既丰满又周正,比没经蜜蜂采过的红莓重30%。 Cane showed that red raspberry flowers visited by honey bees or the Osmia bees bore plump, well-formed berries that were 30 percent heavier than did redraspberry flowers not visited by the bees. 如采考的话,我想要点草莓。 I'd like some strawberry if you have any. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5c907909084e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52acfc79cac.html