荔枝英语怎么读 一、英语:litchi; lichee; lichi; Litchi chinensis; leechee 二、双语例句: 1 研究了果胶酶和硅藻土联合澄清荔枝果汁的作用和效果。 The effect and result of clarifying litchi juice with pectase and diatomite were studied. 2 讨论了荔枝果皮结构与贮藏保鲜的关系。 The relationship between pericarp structure and storage and preservation in litchis was also discussed in the paper. 3 研究了纤维素酶、半纤维素酶、果胶酶对荔枝果肉的液化效果。 The effect of cellulase, hemicellulase and pectinase on litchi fruit pulp liquefaction was studied. 4 此酒沿用和发展了“荔枝绿”的特殊酿制工艺。 This wine follows and developed the "Lychee Green" special brewing process. 5 丹尼斯:喔,我很少吃荔枝和龙眼。 Dennis: Oh, I seldom eat lychee and longan. 6 经过水果店,买了些鲜荔枝和龙眼。 On his way past a fruit store he stopped and bought some fresh lichee and dragon's eyes. 7 你常吃荔枝和龙眼吗? How often do you eat lychee and longan? 8 摘要以16年生糯米糍荔枝为试材,研究了水分胁迫对其末次秋梢发育和成花的影响。 Effects of water stress on the last autumn shoot maturation and flower induction of 16-year-old Nuomici litchi was investigated. 9 草莓,黑醋栗,荔枝和芒果是一些受欢迎风味的酸奶。 Strawberry, blackcurrant, litchi and mango are some popular flavoured yoghurt. 10 研究了几种常用食品添加剂对荔枝花色素苷提取物稳定性的影响。 Effects of common food additives on the stability of litchi anthocyanin were investigated in this paper. 11 口感有桃、杏、梨、芒果和胡椒,并伴有略微的玫瑰花瓣和荔枝的味道。 Combination of peach, apricot, pear, mango and spices with hints of rose petal and lychee. 12 我喜欢荔枝果冻和所有荔枝味的食物。 I like litchi jelly and all litchi taste food. 13 我的老师选择了一道有关荔枝和桃子的题目。 My teacher chose a question about litchi and peach. 14 香气复杂,有荔枝,芒果,梨和杏以及辛辣的气息。 Complex, fruit notes of lychee, mango, pear and apricot with rose hint and spiciness. 15 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5d4be10c28160b4e767f5acfa1c7aa00b52a9d07.html