
时间:2023-01-29 06:05:23 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



In this world, I would like to thank my family, because they have me.

我的家人为了我,干了那么多的活,付出了那么多的汗水,我要对妈妈说您辛苦了!每当我唱起世上只有妈妈好,没妈的孩子像根草,投进妈妈的怀抱,幸福享不了这首歌时,就想起了爸爸妈妈养育我们是多么的不容易,而我这次考试却考得这么差,这是对不起他们。现在我长大了,不再是以前那个小孩子了,我现在可以帮你分担一些事情,你可以休息一下,不再那么累。 My family has done so much work and sweat for me. I want to tell my mother that you are working hard! Every time I sing the song “only mom is good in the world, no moms children are like grass, throw into moms arms, happiness cant be enjoyed”, I think of how hard it is for mom and dad to raise us, but I got so poor in this exam, which is sorry for them. Now that Ive grown up, Im no longer the kid I used to be. Now I can help you share some things. You can have a rest and not be so tired.



Ah! Mom and Dad, you gave love to me and my brother. I hope we can grow up. We will never let you down. We will get a good result in the future and win honor for you
