关于我的外婆英语作文500字带翻译精选篇2 我的外婆今年已有73岁,一头天然的卷发,除前额左侧开始有少许花白的头发外,其他地方依然头发黑亮,看起来很年青。我的外婆可勤劳啦! My grandmother is 73 years old this year. She has natural curly hair. Except for a little gray hair on the left side of her forehead, her hair is still black and bright and looks very young. My grandma is hard-working! 因为爸爸妈妈工作很忙,回家也经常比较晚,所以外婆就当仁不让的来照顾我。每天,外婆第一个起床,给我们准备好早餐,在爸爸忙时,送我到学校,而后买菜、帮我们洗衣、打扫卫生、来接我放学……外婆就是这样,任劳任怨,为我们默默的做事!有几件事情,特别令我感动! Because mom and dad are very busy at work, and they often come home late, so grandma will take care of me. Every day, grandma is the first one to get up, prepare breakfast for us, send me to school when dad is busy, then buy vegetables, help us to wash clothes, clean up and pick me up from school Grandma is like this. She works hard and does things silently for us. There are several things that move me! 一件事情是洗碗。有时,吃完晚饭后,我和爸爸合作洗碗,外婆就说:”你洗不干净的,还是我来吧!”就这样经常与我争,好不容易争来洗碗的”权利”!可有时,我跑开一忽儿时间,外婆就把碗洗好啦!真拿外婆没办法! One thing is washing dishes. Sometimes, after dinner, my father and I work together to wash dishes. Grandma says, “I'll do it if you can't clean it!” so I often fight with me for the “right” to wash dishes. But sometimes, when I run away for a while, grandma will wash the dishes. Grandma can't help it! 另一件事情是等我做完作业。有些时候,很晚了,我还在做作业,外婆就在客厅里等啊等,一直等到我做完作业,安排我睡觉,可第二天又肯定是第一个起来的! Another thing is waiting for me to finish my homework. Sometimes, it's late. I'm still doing my homework. Grandma is waiting in the living room. She waits until I finish my homework and arranges me to sleep. But the next day, she must be the first one to get up! 像这样的事情很多很多!就这样一天又一天,一月又一月,一年又一年……外婆每天都这样,我想说:”外婆,您太辛苦啦!我从心底里感谢您!” There are so many things like this! Day after day, month after month, year after year Grandma every day, I want to say: “grandma, 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/3d36748182eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e85243e27.html