Xi'an was once called "Chang'an" in the Han Dynasty. The connotation of this name is "permanent peace".Xi'an marked the starting point of the world famous Silk Road.It obtained its present name in the year 1369. Xi'an ranks first on the list of the country's seven largest ancient thcapitals. From 11 centry B.C.onwards, Xi'an or its vicinity has been established as the capital city by 15 kingdoms or feudal dynasties successively, including the Western Zhou, the Qin, the Han, the Sui and the Tang. It serves as an ancient capital city beyond comparison with regard to the number of dynasties and span of time.And it was regarded as one of the "Four Ancient Civilizations of the World", the other three being Rome, Athens, and Istanbul. Xi'an is situated in the middle of the Yellow River reaches and at the center of the Central Shannxin Plain. Within Xi'an one can find a large number of historic attractions, such as the remains of Banpo Village,a Neolithic matriarchal clan community, the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, which has been listed in "the World Cultural Heritages", the Big Wild Goose Pagoda and Small Wild Goose Pagoda built in the Tang Dynasty, the Bell Tower, Drum Tower and City Wall built in the Ming Dynasty, and the time-honored Forest of Stone Tablets. Walking around this old city is like going through thousands of years back in history. So there is no wonder why foreigners always say "He who has not visited Xi'an can not be said to have visited China." 西安古称长安,取长治久安之意。长安是著名的丝绸之路的起点。公元1369年,长安更名为西安。它是我国七大古都之冠,从公元前11世纪起,先后有周秦汉隋唐等13个王朝在此建都,历时1100多年,是我国历史建都朝代最多,历时最长的都城。它与意大利的罗马,希腊的雅典和土耳其的伊斯坦布尔并称为世界四大古都。 西安位于黄河流域中部的关中平原,在西安你会看到许多历史文化遗迹,比如新石器时代母系氏族社会的半坡遗址,被列入世界遗产名录的秦始皇陵,唐代的大小雁塔,明代的城墙,钟楼与鼓楼和有近千年历史,被称为石质书库的西安碑林等。漫步西安,如同走进一座上下数千年的历史博物馆。因此,外国人常说:“不到西安,不算真正到过中国”。 Local Produces 地方土特产 the Fire-crystal Persimmons 临潼火晶柿子 the Glutinous Rice Wine黄桂稠酒 the Persimmon Pancakes 黄桂柿子饼 the Pomegranates临潼石榴the kiwi fruit 中华猕猴桃 the Dates 陕北红枣 Local Snacks地方小吃 the Cured Meat in Pancakes肉夹馍 Shredded Pancakes in Mutton or Beef Broth 牛羊肉泡馍 the Buckwheat noodles荞面饸饹 the Cold noodles 凉皮 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5db0f426bcd126fff7050b46.html