中国七夕节的地道英文表达 七夕在网上有很多种翻译方法: Tanabata 七夕 Qixi Festival(七夕节) Double Seventh Festival(双七节) Magpie Festival(喜鹊节) 其实这些翻译都有舍近求远之嫌,不了解中国文化的外国人是不会明白的。七夕节的地道英文究竟是啥? 如果你用有道词典查的话,肯定会看到下面四个词条: Tanabata Double Seventh Festival the Chinese Valentine's Day Double Seven Day 像这样网络词典给出的网络表达,我们不能拿来直接用,必须要先辨别对错。 Tanabata 这个词也是七夕的意思,但指的是日本的七夕节。 Tanabata (七夕, meaning "Evening of the seventh"), also known as the Star Festival, is a Japanese festival. 日本的七夕节起源于咱们中国的七夕,七夕是中国的情人节,可是在日本,却和情人节沾不上什么边。和日本新年一样,七夕可以许愿,把心愿写在纸条上,然后挂在树上。 除了日本,韩国也过七夕,英文是:Chilseok,英文解释是这样滴:a Korean traditional festival which falls on the seventh day of the seventh month of the Korean lunisolar calendar. 我们再来看看中国的七夕,英文是什么样的呢? 以下新闻摘自BBC官网(节选) Celebrated this year on August 15, the Chinese Saint Valentine's Day was created in memory of two ancient lovers who were separated by a goddess and only allowed to meet once a year. Many Chinese also commemorate the Western Valentine's Day on February 14, with shop owners and florists cashing on the rush of flowers and gifts for loved or desired ones and restaurants fully booked. 今年8月25日是中国的情人节(七夕),是为了纪念两位被天神分开的、每年只允许见面一次的恋人。 许多中国人也在2月14日庆祝西方情人节,店主和花商们纷纷为心爱或心仪的人兑换鲜花和礼物,餐厅也已被预订一空。 the Chinese Saint Valentine's Day 中国情人节(七夕)。个人认为,这是最务实,最有效率的翻译方法。类似地,“梁山伯与祝英台”其实翻译为Chinese Romeo and Juliet(中国的罗密欧与朱丽叶)就可以了。 还有维基百科对中国七夕节的介绍是这样的: The Qixi Festival, also known as the Qiqiao Festival, is a Chinese festival that celebrates the annual meeting of the cowherd and weaver girl in Chinese mythology.It falls on the seventh day of the 7th month on the Chinese calendar. It is sometimes called the Double Seventh Festival, the Chinese Valentine's Day, the Night of Sevens, or the Magpie(喜鹊) Festival. 七夕节的地道英文也可以用Qixi Festival 表达,大意是:七夕节,又名乞巧节。该节日来自于牛郎与织女的传说,在农历七月初七庆祝。 It falls on the seventh day of the 7th month on the Chinese calendar. 七夕节在农历七月初七。当我们说某个节日在某月某日时,就能用这个句型了。此处的fall,还可以替换成take place。 所以,中国的七夕节易懂的表达就是Chinese Saint Valentine's Day,简称为Chinese Valentine's Day,或者直接表达Qixi Festival ,贴近中华文化。 本文来源: