2022年diligent怎么造句?英文单词 释义 industrious,assiduous,diligence 我们若已接受最坏的,就再没有什么损失。 diligent的同义词 1.这格言告诉我们要效法蚂蚁的勤勉。 The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant. 2.企图,进取心有目的的、勤勉刻苦的行动;进取心 Purposeful or industrious activity; enterprise. 3.和其他学生相比,麦克更加勤勉一些。 In comparison with other students, Mike is more diligent. 4.他的成功是由于勤勉和许多朋友的帮助。 He succeeded both because he was industrious and because he had many friends to help him. 5.与其说这位业务员聪明,不如说他勤勉。 This businessman is rather diligent than clever. 6.他是勤勉的.典范。 He is a model of industry. 7.她的勤勉和她的成功一定有某些关系。 Her diligence must have something to do with his success. 8.小组勤勉地完成了他们的任务。 The group fulfilled their duties assiduously. 9.分包商应就分包工程及时,适当和勤勉地给予所有通知,提出申请,并支付规费,税款和其它收费。 The subcontractor shall give notices make applications and pay fees impost and other charges in respect of the subcontract works promptly properly and diligently. 创造人的是自然界,启迪和教育人的却是社会。 用diligent造句 diligent,中文意思指努力不懈;勤劳不懈。 人生只有一生一死,要生的有意义,死的有价值。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/5f588eee5bf5f61fb7360b4c2e3f5727a5e9248a.html