元宵节英语作文__Eating Rice GlueBalls

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元宵节英语作文__Eating Rice GlueBalls

Eating Rice Glue Balls

The Lantern Festival is coming soon, pleaseguess a riddle! "its coat is white and tender, its heart is colourful, itrolls on the white sand beach, it swims in the hotspring." Do you guess right?It is the round rice glue ball!

Every time in Lantern Festival, My mother will cook rice glue ballswith smile and put them into a bowl. And I, would like looking at the obedient littlesweet dumplings sliding together along the bowl wall, becoming a "littlesnow flower". I scooped up a cute little sweet dumpling with a spoon, lookedclosely at it, it was just like a white and soft pingpang! Mother was amused:"is this your toy?" Hey hey, I just liked watching! I didn't rush to eat, with my mouth pouted, blew hot air

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for awhile, put a rice glue ball into my mouth, had a gently bite, suddenly slipped, delicious and sweet stuffingburst out, immediately, a strand very delicious warm current echoed in mouth. Isucked carefully , until the rice glue ball left only soft glutinous rice"coat", then swallowed it into my stomach with a "grunt" , Wow!The soft, sweet, warm feeling, let me quite comfortable!

How happy when eating sweet dumplings and feeling the warmth offamily reunion at the same time on 15th of the first month in lunar year! 吃元宵



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