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委托见证人(甲):姓名________ 出生日期______ 性别________ 国籍________________ 身份证__________________

委托见证人():姓名________ 出生日期______性别_________

国籍________________ 身份证__________________


____________律师事务所于____________________日接受委托见证人的委托,指派律师_______________办理此项见证。委托见证人向见证人提供了身份证明原件及复印件:由委托人甲、乙共同签署的公司转让节原件及复印件: ________________公司的《中华人民共和国企业法人营业执照》原件及复印件;编号为_________________公司验资报告原件及复印件。对委托见证人提供的上述文件,于_____________ _____________________日在_______________________律师事务所会议室,由见证人主持委托见证人甲、乙对上述文件的原件及复印件进行了认真核对,确认真实无误。

见证律师本着以事实为依据,以法律为准绳的原则,经查阅委托见证人身份证明,和审阅与证事项有关的材料,对委托见证事项作如下见证: 1 ______________________先生和_________________先生具备民事权利能力和民事行为能力。

2 _____________先生和____________先生共同签署的公司转让书真实、合法,表达了签署人的真实意思表示,并不违背法律,具备法律效力。 3 _______________________________________________日起____________先生___________公司的合法所有人。






I am An Attorney

Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Firm Name: __________________________________________________________________

Firm Address: ________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: ___________________________________________________________ Professional License and/or Association Number(s): _________________________________ This letter of attestation is being provided on behalf of the following business entity:

Group’s Name: ________________________________________________________________ Group’s Address: ______________________________________________________________ Group’s Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________ Group Officer’s Name (from whom you received the written documentation reviewed in connectionwith this letter of attestation): __________________________________________ This group is a new business, which started on __________________ and will be filing tax documents, which will be sent to you at a future date.

I certify that this group has a New York situs, and is a:Sole Proprietorship, and the proprietor works a minimum of 20 hours per week. Partnership Corporation

Limited Liability Company (LLC) S-Corp

Other Type of Business Entity (explain) ___________________________________________

(Please attach copies of supporting documentation)The following employees of this firm began working for this company on the following dates, and are working full-time (20 hours or more per week), and will be shown on future tax documents which will be provided to you. Name Start Date Name Start Date

________________________ ________ ___________________ _________ ________________________ ________ ___________________ _________

I hereby certify that the information I have stated above are true statements based on documentation provided to me. I hereby make this certification to induce Perfect Health to offer health insurance coverage to this group based upon the information contained in my certification. I understand that Perfect Health will retain this letter and any attached materials without regard to the acceptance or non-acceptance of the group’s application for coverage.

Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________
