
时间:2023-11-03 20:52:33 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



[gɜ:l] [gɜ:rl] 第三人称复数:girls

名词 女孩; 姑娘,未婚女子; 女职员,女演员; (男人的)女朋友 名词

1. This school is for girls only. 这个学校只招收女生。 2. My little girl is ill. 我的小女儿病了。 3. She is an office girl. 她是一名办公室的职员。 4. My little girl is at school. 我小女儿在上学。 英语单词girl的单语例句

1. She was a single party girl when she wrote Sex and the City, but is now a powerful businesswoman who married in 2002.

2. Welcome to the world of Jeanie Buss and her memoir Laker Girl, which is currently in bookstores.

3. Witnesses said Kantar smashed the little girl's head against a rock and crushed her skull with a rifle butt.

4. A girl took the job for money to buy a luxury mobile phone strap that cost several thousand Hong Kong dollars.

5. Girls and New Girl are scoring ratings, buzz and Emmy Awards respect.

6. He said the girl was losing her hair and had no energy

gradually recently, the father was cited as saying by a China Central Television report.

7. A baby girl was almost abandoned last week by her parents for having a deformed nose.

8. The case was brought to court last April by the girl's birth mother.

9. The girl surnamed Gao from the central province of Henan lost her parents after they contracted AIDS by selling blood.

10. Like any other fashion girl, Zhang used to go shopping all over the world by plane or by car. 英语单词girl的情景对话

Before class-(上课前)

AHello, Bob. Have you got your work done for today? 喂,鲍勃。今天的功课做完了吗?

BNo, But maybe the teacher won't ask for it. 没有,也许老师不会收作业。

ANo such luck.The last time he forgot to collect our homework was the day he came down with the flu.He's in better.


BI know. That was a great week. I went out with Mary three nights running.

我知道。上星期实在太忙了。连续三个晚上我和玛丽有约会。 AWho's Mary? 谁是玛丽?

BYou know, the dark-haired girl who sits in the front row. 你知道,就是坐在前排的那个黑发姑娘。 AOh, her. I've never met her. 哦,她。我同她从没有接触。

BSorry, friend. You won't if I have my way.
