我的班级英语作文带翻译-My class

时间:2022-05-25 13:02:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
我的班级英语作文带翻译-My class

Class six two my second home, I love it! It looks beautiful, and has a beautiful deck. It is very warm, and here, there is no lonely, sad, only happy, happy, happy...... We in the layout of the class environment, we make full use of wall space, the wall show our "action see

civilization", "Mom, I love you", "I-I show" talent project. There is a small knowledge and health angle on the blackboard. In the "little knowledge" of the columns in a variety of knowledge, a wide variety of. Hygiene angle is about health habits and other health issues. On the left side of the blackboard newspaper is a chapter in place, the list of students also many, this has greatly improved our ability and confidence. "There are a lot of excellent writing and art works in the bookworm friend". Blackboard newspaper under a large bookcase, there is writing the book, writer to write children's literature books, and so on and so on, let a person see dazzling. These books are "hot"!

I love my class, it is a "love paradise". We in the teacher's upbringing robust growth, jointly strive for the sun and rain, the common experience of wind and sun, common result in the branches, our hearts, closely unite together, common sparkles with brilliant light!

In the joint efforts of the students, we class six two class to build my class my home.



我们的“行动见文明”、“妈妈我爱您”、“我型我秀”等才艺项目。 在黑板报上有小知识和卫生角。在“小知识”的栏目中有各类的知识,五花八门的。卫生角是写关于卫生习惯等卫生问题。在黑板报的左边是争章原地,上榜的同学还很多,这也大大地提升了我们的各种水平和信心。“书虫益友”里有很多精品作文和美术作品。黑板报下面有一个大书柜,里面有作文书,文学家写的儿童文学书,等等等等,让人看得眼花缭乱。这些书可“热销”了!


