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Dept. Heads must work within their approved budgets. 部门经理需注意招聘要在预算以内

For any new additional headcount request which is outside the approved budget, CEO approval is required 任何一个在预算外的招聘职位都必须经CEO批准

Department Heads’ approval are required for all recruitments regardless of permanent, temporary, full-time, part-time or

internship position as long as such position is paid.


The requesting business line/dept. should complete, obtain all signatures necessary and deliver this form to the HR Dept.

Incomplete forms will be returned to the originator, which may cause a delay in the recruitment of the position.

在用人部门得到相关领导的书面签字批复后, 需提交至人力资源部门.不完整的申请表将被退回,有可能延误职位的招聘。 All job offers should be made by HR Manager who will explain to the successful candidates all employment conditions & terms 必须由人事经理向成功的应聘者发出工作邀请,解释工作条件和期限

Position required: 招聘职位

Number of Candidate(s) Needed:招聘人数

Request Date: 申请日期 Department/



Business:所属部门/商业团队 Immediate Supervisor Name: 直接上级

Immediate Supervisor (Title) :直接上级的职位

Job Grade:工作年限

0 6

7 - 9

10 以上

Name of Candidate(s) ( if any):候选人姓名

Target Position Start Date: 岗日期

Salary/month (pre-tax) Proposed:


In Local Currency当地货币 USD Equivalent 折合美金 Original Salary Level 原先薪酬水平

For the recruitment for JV project, pls specify salary and benefits to be covered by 合资项目的招聘,请将工资和福利的信息隐藏

Working Location: 工作地点

Beijing 北京 Shanghai 上海 Guangzhou 广州

Position Status:

HongKong 香港 Shenzhen 深圳 Others (Specify) 其他


Other benefits required (Specify): 其他福利待遇

Others, please specify其他,请详列__________________________ _______(JV partner) 合资伙伴

Pay Plan:薪水支付方式

Monthly salary 月薪 Daily/hourly rate /小时结算

Others (Specify) 其他

By Autopay 自动转帐

By Manual Cheque 手写支票



Employment Status:

XSEL Staff Requisition 2007


New Position (within approved budget) 新职位在预算内

New Position (outside budget) 新职位超出预算


Last incumbent Name & Position: 最后职位


Permanent Full Time/ Part Time 合同工 全职/兼职

Temporary*(Pls specify below) 临时工 (请详细列出)

Consultant* 顾问

* Period时间 : to

From Date初始日期 Expiration Date有效日期 Others (Explain)其他(详列)

* Working hours工作时间:

Days per week:一周工作日

Justifications (Please also quantify workload wherever possible and explain reasons for not able to deploy existing resources to

do the job)


Job Description (please specify general purpose & specific duties or responsibilities)


Additional comments 附加条件

Qualifications: 资格 Education: 学历 Experience: 经历 Language: 语言 Computer: 电脑技术 Others 其他

Other Features: (Shift requirement, traveling, working conditions etc.)其他要求:(轮班,出差,工作条件等)

Method of recruitment 招聘的方法

Internal Job Posting 内部招聘 Newspaper/ website 报纸、网络 绍所

XSEL Staff Requisition 2007

Job will not be posted 内部推荐

Executive Search/ Employment Agency 猎头、职业介

Simultaneous External Search 外部招聘

Will the candidate required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement? 候选人是否要签订保密协议?

Yes No

Who will Interview: 参与面试的面试官:

OBTAIN SIGNATURES BEFORE SUBMITTING TO HUMAN RESOUR提交人力资源部签, 批准人签字: Approval : Supervisor/Department Manager 主管/部门经理批准:


Approval : Business Unit/Department Head 商业团队/系主任批准:


For HR /Finance use only 只用于人力资源/财务 Verified by HR Manager: 人事经理审核

Endorsed: HR Director 人事总监签字

Endorsed by Finance Director (if exceed budget) 财务经理认可(如果超出预算)

Approval :COO/CFO 首席执行管/首席财政管批准:

Date日期: Approval : CEO CEO 批准:


Requisition #申请 :

Position Filled By: 职位填写人: Candidate Name : 候选人姓名

Annual Salary: Monthly Salary: 年薪 月薪 Job Grade: Start Date: 工作年限 入职日期

How It Was Filled:填写范围:

XSEL Staff Requisition 2007
