野性的呼唤中英文对照读后感 野性的呼唤中英文对照读后感 虽然国庆节后紧接着就是第一次月考,学习较为紧张,但是,Alex还是花了两周时间抽空听读完了英文原版小说《野性的呼唤》,英文读后感:野性的呼唤读后感(中英文对照读后感)。这本已经纸张泛黄的小说,还是大约二十年前孩子妈在大学期间买的,居然保存至今,实乃奇迹了,翻开书,前面几页还用红笔标注着一些生词的释义,后面就是一片“净土”了,显然是当年没有坚持读下去,呵呵。 前天学校组织去苏州周庄等地秋游,虽然往他的书包里塞了这本小说,但是,“将在外”,压根儿就没指望他会抽空读,不过,居然“奇迹”出现了,Alex白天疯玩,晚上住宿在宾馆,真的`把最后一部分看完了,值得表扬!昨天下午回到家,吃完晚饭,终于精疲力尽,一头倒在沙发上,一直睡到今天早上八点半才醒,开创了自己的睡眠新纪录----整整十三个小时!睡神啊! 今天下午,Alex花了二十分钟左右写下这篇读后感。依然是自由发挥,没有去刻意指导,但是已经可以感觉到他在语法方面正逐步提高。计划明年参加托福考试,也许,明年上半年就该接受“科班”写作训练了,现在还仅仅是要求他基本按照托福写作考试的时间写下规定的字数。 《暮光之城》已经听了好几个章节,今天正式开始阅读,总共四本,再接再厉吧! Book review: The call of the wild - 1 - As a type of novelette, I wasn't used to this cos I've just finished HarryPotter so in occasions novelette wrote very briefly. The background of the author was very poor, and precisely the time to seek gold. Part of the novel means to expose the hardness of dogs at that time. Men were crazy about gold, the main character, Buck, was stolen by a Gardener of a lawyer who owns Buck. The man with the red sweater taught him the law of clubs, this was a good beginning. The trading road led him at last to two couriers, who knew how to treat dogs. Then the dog team was traded to a three-people family who were seeking good in Alaska. But they didn't know how to treat dogs and at last dogs and men were drowned in the water, except Buck. He was picked up by a man. And eventually Buck was back to the wild—where his ancestors had been. In my opinion a good novel could make readers cry, yell, etc. I clenched my fist when the Family treated the dog team badly, and had a wonderful feeling when the man picked up Buck and treated him like his own son. It had feeling, this novel… - 2 - 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/6304fe3f3269a45177232f60ddccda38376be121.html