
时间:2024-03-28 12:54:33 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载





An item is one of a collection or list of objects.

e.g.The most valuable item on show will be a Picasso drawing...


e.g.The menu includes the occasional off-beat item. 菜单中包括了偶尔会有的非传统菜肴。 2.项目;条目;条款

An item is one of a list of things for someone to do, deal with, or talk about.

e.g.The other item on the agenda is the tour. 日程中的另一项是旅游。


An item is a report or article in a newspaper or magazine, or on television or radio.

e.g.There was an item in the paper about him. 报纸上有一条关于他的报道。 4.(关系亲密的)一对

If you say that two people are an item, you mean that they are having a romantic or sexual relationship.

e.g.She and Gino were an item. 她和吉诺曾是一对。 item的情景对话 订货

BI have a question about this quotation you submitted . 你提出的报价我有问题。 AWhat is it ? 什么呢?

BThe third item has been omitted . 第三项目漏掉了。

A:Oh ,yes .we don‘t carry that item anymore . 哦,是的,那一项目我们不再卖了。 订货

AWhat is your best price on this item ? 此一品目的最低价是多少? B$24.95 per hundred pieces 一百个美金二十四块九毛五。 AThat will be fine with us . 这价钱还可以。

B:Fine .I‘ll start the paperwork for your order right away . 好啊,那我立刻就为你们的订单作准备了。 订货

AThis price is quite a bit higher than it was last time . 这次的价格比上次要贵了一些。

B:We‘re sorry ,but we ‘ve had a slight price increase here . 真抱歉,不过我们出只涨了一点点而已。 A:Slight ?I wouldn‘t call this slight . 一点点?这叫一点点?!

B:We‘ve had to increase our prices on this item by just 8%. 这一种我们不得已也只加了8%而已。 item的单语例句

1.A computer was the item most respondent wanted to buy in 2010, while travel was the second most popular.

2.Yet many seem to have no hesitation when it comes to
