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英语justify的用法是很重要的,我们有必要知道它详细的汉语意思。下面就让店铺给大家分享英文单词justify'几种汉语意思吧,希望能对你有帮助! justify的汉语意思

[ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪ] [ˈdʒʌstəˌfaɪ]


justify 基本解释

及物动词 证明…有理; 为…辩护; 对…作出解释 不及物动词 整理版面; 证明合法 例句

1. Is he justified in all his actions? 他的这许多行为是正当的吗?

2. The editors are justified in refusing your work. 那些编辑有充分的理由拒绝你的作品。

3. How can you justify your rude behaviour? 你如何解释你的粗鲁行为呢?

4. How can you justify your rude and foolish behaviour? 你怎能为你粗鲁而愚蠢的行为辩护? justify的单语例句

1. Rental yield in China is low, and does not justify buying a house to rent it out.

2. Yet, all these concerns by no means justify banning all foreign plants and animals.

3. Beijing's only cable television provider issued a public statement Monday to justify its controversial increase in subscription fees.

4. Huang said she expects banks to provide more details to

justify their new charge, like the calculation of inquiry cost.

5. China's rising current account surplus and domestic inflation has been cited to justify these countries'call.

6. The huge economic losses incurred from the cancellation of the projects do not justify the wild pursuit of hydroelectricity by some local governments and businesses.

7. Friday's weaker job growth would justify such a breather, offering more evidence of slowing economic activity.

8. Such accelerated inflation does justify investor worries because it might invite more tightening measures that can choke off growth.

9. For those who are worried about deflation getting entrenched and choking off demand, the latest price figures may appear to justify their concerns. justify的词典解释

1. 证明(决定、行为或想法)正当;表明…必要

To justify a decision, action, or idea means to show or prove that it is reasonable or necessary.

e.g. No argument can justify a war... 任何理由都不能为战争开脱。

e.g. Ministers agreed that this decision was fully justified by economic conditions.

部长们一致同意,这个决定完全符合经济情况。 2. 调整(打印文本);使齐行;使每行排齐

To justify printed text means to adjust the spaces between the words so that each line of type is exactly the same length.

e.g. Click on this icon to align or justify text. 点击这个图标使文本排齐。 英语justify是什么汉语意思】
