
时间:2023-03-13 03:02:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
沙拉拼音: [shā lā] 沙拉

释义: 一种乳黄色的浆状物,为英文salad的音译。可用来凉拌食物。也译作色拉。 一、单词在英语中怎么写

To make salad, first of all, you need to wash the vegetable or fruits.Then you need to cut them into pieces, and put the pieces into a clean container such as bowl. Finally, you need to add salad source into the bowl and well m..

沙拉用英语 salad 例句:他要了一块牛排和一份生菜沙拉。He had a steak and a green salad.

沙拉用英语 salad 例句:他要了一块牛排和一份生菜沙拉。He had a steak and a green salad.

谢了!在限等急。麻烦知道的快点。 问题补充:不是沙拉!注意! 你好!三种沙拉Three kinds of salads
