
时间:2022-08-14 18:06:39 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


in retrospect, one of the greatest generation gaps was one between me and my parent. my parents and i have different opinions on one thing.

in home, i often like playing phone because i am curious about new thing. but my parents don’t agree with me to play phone. one problem lies in fact that parents don’t know much about using phone. in fact, i use phone to chat with my friends in order to strength our relationship. i also hunt for some useful information to solve problem that i confronted with.

however, my parents don’t know what i am doing on the phone. they only thing it is useless to spent much time playing phone. they also thing that play phone can harm my eyes.

in order to deal with the generation gap, i think that i should reduce time to play phone and save more time to do other things. my parent should realize play phone have some advantage to solve something that we meet.

【篇二:my happiest time in my hometown

my happiest time in my hometown my happiest time in my hometown

i was bron in a small village.it has nothing special, maybe its smaller and poorer than other villages, but it often makes me recall my happiest childhood moment there.

because my parents were both busy and had no time to take care of me, i had to live with my grandparents in the

village ,whice gave me a good chance to acquaint myself with my hometown.

all the trees and flowers awake in spring, and i always like

standing under the trees, watching the leaves stretch and sway in the fresh spring breeze.

in summer, plants turn green everywhere. i often go fishing and swimming with my friends in the river which is located behind my house.

when yellow leaves whirled in the wind, autumn has come. after night falls, i like to remble in the fields, which makes me feel good.

love my hometown.

my life in my hometown makes a really beautiful picture inside my heart. even if im far away from my small village, it is always with me, wherever i am.

【篇三:快乐时光 fun time

快乐时光 fun time

ispent a very happy spring festival this year, because i traveled to yangjiang,zhuhai and zhongshan.

今年我度过了一个愉快的春节,因为我去了阳江,珠海和中山。 itwas a very special journey for me, for it was the first time that i hadtraveled by plane. it was the first time that i had enjoyed myself at theseaside had seen the beautiful macao. and, it was also the first time that ihad spent the new years day outside.


wheni was in yangjiang, i had a great time with my brother. we climbed the mountains,visited some parks, walked around the downtown area and spent the happiest timeon hailing island. 我在阳江的时候,我和我的弟弟玩得很开心。我们爬了山,参观了公园,逛了市区在海陵岛度过的最快乐的时光。

onfebruary 10th, i went to zhuhai. i was happy in zhuhai, because my formerclassmate kept a good company with me. we visited so many

interesting places,such as xiangzhou port, gongbei port, shijingshan park, haibin park and so on.we also traveled around macao by ship. it was very exciting.


aftermy two-day trip in zhuhai, i went to visit my best friend in zhongshan. wetoured around the city on the day and chatted with each other happily at night.both of us enjoyed ourselves very much.


thiswas the golden time in my life, so ill keep it in my memory forever. 这是我人生中的幸运时光,所以我会把它永远的珍藏在我的记忆中。
