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【期刊名称】《浙江工业大学学报(社会科学) 【年(),期】2017(016)001

【摘 要】从生态美学角度,结合人文地理,社会学相关理论探讨乡村的可持续发展问,特别是对生态美学语境下的乡村评判标准及乡村发展路径做出具有归纳意义和开放性思考空间的总结.基于乡村感知与审美的乡村可持续发展是以农业为基础,将地域文化有机渗透于乡村生产生活下的产业、社会与空间的融合.由此,乡村将形成自然环境与人文环境相和谐的生态乡村景观,而最终复兴其农业价值、生态价值、家园价值与审美价值.%Based on the context of ecological aesthetics and related theories of cultural geography and sociology, this paper probes into the problem of rural sustainable development, especially provides inductive and open space of summary on rural judgment standard and rural development route.In view of rural perception and aesthetic, the rural sustainable development is the inclusion and integration of industry, society and space on the basis of agriculture, and applying regional culture into rural production and rural living meanwhile.Under such ways, rural areas can form ecological rural landscape which coordinate the

relationship between natural environment and human environment, and achieve the revival of agricultural value, ecological value, homeland value and aesthetic value of rural areas finally. 【总页数】5(P27-31)

【作 者】黄焱;宋扬

【作者单位】浙江工业大学艺术学院,浙江 杭州 310023;浙江工业大学艺术学院, 杭州 310023 【正文语种】 【中图分类】F291 【相关文献】

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