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, 单词及词组

1, clever 聪明的 2, careless 粗心的

二,字母组合bl” “pl”“cl”“gl”“fl”“sl的单词

1,black 黑色的 2,blue蓝色的 3, plane 飞机 4,plate 盘子 5,class班级 6, clever聪明的 7,gloves手套 8,glasses 眼镜 9,fly

3, polite 有礼貌的

10,flag 11,slim苗条的 12, sleep睡觉

4, quiet 安静的 5, cute 可爱的

1,classmate (复数) classmates 19, sing (现在分词 ) singing

6, friendly 友好的

2,friend(复数) friends 20, family (复数) families

7, helpful 肯帮忙的

3,party (复数) parties 21, glass (复数) glasses

8, active 活跃的

4 ,is (复数) are 22 ,big (反义词) small

9, popular 受欢迎的

5,caress (反义词) careful 23,clever (反义词)foolish

10, talk 说话

6,new (反义词) old 24,friend(形容词) friendly

11, both 两者都

三, 词型转换

12, all 13, but 14, sometimes 15, bark 16, new friend 17, take…to… 18, birthday party 19, so many 20, model planes 21, forget to do sth 22, go to school 23, every day 24, in English class 25, play football 26, be good at… 27, clean the car 28, walk his dog 29, good friends 30, help poor people 31, at first 32, a lot 33, at camp 34, in a boat 35, go to bed 36, put…on… 37, make model ships 38, a little hat 39, big shoes 40, play tricks on… 41, Beijing duck 42, pick up 43, a strange man 44, answer questions 45, a very famous actor 46, be famous for











每天 英语课上 踢足球 擅长 清洗小汽车 遛他的狗 好朋友 帮助穷人 起初 许多,大量的 在露营 在小船上 去睡觉 放在 制作轮船模型 一顶小帽子 大鞋 捉弄 北京烤鸭 捡起 一个奇怪的人 回答问题

一个非常著名的演员 而著名 7, help(形容词 ) helpful 25, have (三单) has

8, say (三单) says 26, too (同音词) two

9, this (复数) these 27, that (复数) those

10, all(表示两者都) both 28, forget (三单)forgets

11, do(三单) does 29, long (反义词) short

12, he (宾格) him 30, make(现在分词) making

13, teach (三单) teaches 31, dance(现在分词) dancing

14, they(宾格) them 32, tall (反义词) short

15,fly (三单) flies 33, Helen(名词所有格) Helen’s

16, good (反义词) bad 34, usually (同类词) sometimes

17, has (否定形式) doesn’t have

18, science (同类词) English

四,句子 1 What is Peter like ? 彼得什么样? 2 He is active and popular . 他活跃又受欢迎。 3 What’s your friend like ? 你的朋友什么样? 4 She is quiet and polite 她安静又有礼貌。 5 What is he good at ? 他擅长什么? 6 He is good at science . 他擅长科学 7 What does she usually do ? 她通常做什么? 8

She usually helps Tom’s family .



1, He is polite and quiet .(对划线部分提问)

What is he like ?

2, My sister is cute .( 对划线部分提问) What is your sister like ?

3, Our friends are friendly and helpful .( 对划线部分提问)

What are your friends like ?

4, She is good at English . (对划线部分提问) What is she good at ?

5, I always forget to feed Coco .(主语改为Tom ) Tom always forgets to feed Coco . 6, It’s time for bed .(同义句)

It’s time to go to bed . 7, Tom has a pet dog .(否定句) Tom doesn’t have a pet dog .
