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21. It is known to all that _______ you exercise regularly, you won’t keep good health. (2005重庆卷) A. unless B. whenever C. although D. if 【答案】A


【解析】四个选项分别填入句中,只有填A句意最通顺。众所周知,如果你不经常锻炼,你就没有好的身体。又如:Her bank warned that unless she repaid the overdraft she could face legal action. 银行警告她如果不偿还透支钱款,她将面临诉讼。

22. Victor certainly cares too much about himself.

—Yes. He’s never interested in what _______ is doing. (2005重庆)

A. no one else B. anyone else C. someone else D. nobody else 【答案】B



23. My family usually goes skating for vacation. I like skating, but I want to try something different this year. _______ (2005重庆卷)

A. Let’s go. B. Cheer up. C. Like what? D. Take care. 【答案】C




如说什么呢?”,此处的like意为“比方说,例如(=for example)”。 24. His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has _______ many good changes in their lives. (2005重庆卷)

A. got through B. resulted from C. turned into D. brought about 【答案】D


【解析】只有用bring about(引起,导致)才与语境相符。其他选项的意思是:get through通过,完成;result from(后接原因)由于……的结果;turn into变成(=become)。句意是:一周的家庭聚餐的主意,开始似乎很难,但现在已经给他们的家庭生活带来了许多良好的变化。 25. —What’s wrong with your coat?

Just now when I wanted to get off the bus, the man next to me _______ on it. (2005重庆卷)

A. sat B. had sat C. had been sitting D. was sitting 【答案】C



26. Daddy didn’t mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, _______ fun. (2005重庆卷) A. had B. have C. to have D. having 【答案】D


【解析】句中已有谓语were together,又没有and,应当用非谓语动词,排除选项AB“玩得快乐”与“在一起”是同时发生的,用现在分词作状语,表示伴随情况,所以选D。再说,不定式作状语,前面通常不用逗号。 27. _______, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.

