
时间:2024-04-05 16:28:29 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



1. Hearing the news that he had won the first prize, he was very excited. The news that he had won the first prize filled him with great excitement. 2. He lacks experience, so he is at a disadvantage compared to other employees. A lack of experience puts him at a disadvantage compared to other employees.

3. If you compare two ways of life carefully, you will find the former is superior to the latter. Careful comparison of two ways of life will show the superiority of the former over the latter.



1. He is so observant that he notices everything.

He is so observant that nothing escapes his attention. 2. I can’t describe how beautiful she is. Her beauty is beyond description.

3. We drove for two hours and arrived at the Grand Canyon. A two-hour drive took us to the Grand Canyon.

4. He suddenly remembered that he had left his wallet home.

It suddenly occurred to/struck/ hit him that he had left his wallet home. 5. I will never forget the valuable lesson my grandma taught me.

The valuable lesson my grandma taught me will be rooted in my memory forever.


英语中,分词的使用是非常广泛的,很多分词已经演变成形容词,比如说interesting, amazed等,这类分词的使用能让英语句子的表达变得更加简便和地道。

1. Patients in hospitals are increasing quickly and will cause problems to medical care system. An increasing number of patients in hospitals will cause problems to medical care system. 2. Under more and more pressure, he wanted to resign.

Under mounting (逐渐增加的) pressure, he wanted to resign.

3. The wagon which was pulled by a horse lost its balance and fell off the cliff. The horse-drawn wagon lost its balance and fell off the cliff.

4. When he saw the terrible scene, he froze on the spot and his eyes were wide open. He froze on the spot, wide-eyed at the horrible scene.


动词可以分为很多类,比如:实义动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词,系动词属于静态动词,而实义动词往往是动态动词,但是实义动词里的使役动词并没有表达太多的含义。我们的英语写作中,高频的动词有静态系动词be, 以及使役动词,这会使得文章读起来不够lively,而且也比较拖沓。所以,我们可以尝试着去将一些静态动词替换为动态动词。


1. Mutual respect is the key to friendship. Mutual respect maintains friendship

2. My mother always lets me do homework when I arrive home. My mother always urges me to do homework when I arrive home. 3. The development of technology makes our life more convenient.

The development of technology facilitates ( /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/促进,使便利) our life. 4. The letter from his parents made him homesick.

The letter from his parents aroused his homesickness.



1. Students are struggling with classes and coping with pressure caused by testing, so they have little time to relax.

With students struggling with classes and coping with pressure from testing, there is not much room for recreation.

2. We chase happiness and equal it with wealth and success, but we dont notice that the people having those things are not necessarily happier.

We chase happiness and equal it with wealth and success, without noticing that the people having those things are not necessarily happier.

3. While developing tourism, the government also protects wildlife and builds national parks. The protection of wildlife and the creation of national parks go hand in hand with tourist development.

六、连词 汉语属于“意合”语言,其衔接主要是靠句子内部的逻辑联系,而没有明显的外部标志,即少用连词。而英语是“形合”语言,其衔接主要依靠的就是外部的各类语法标志,因此多用连词。


If winter comes, can spring be far behind?


All things are difficult before they are easy._ 3.我不能相信他,他不老实。

I cant place my trust in him, because he is dishonest. 4.努力学习,你迟早会成功的。

Work hard, and you will succeed in time.

