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UN Secretary-General's Message on International Literacy Day New York, 8 September 2010

联合国秘书长潘基文2010年国际扫盲日致辞 201098 纽约 联合国总部

This year's observance of International Literacy Day highlights the central role of literacy in the empowerment of women. Literacy transforms the lives of women, their families, communities and societies. Literate women are more likely to send their children, especially their girls, to school. By acquiring literacy, women become more economically self-reliant and more actively engaged in their country's social, political and cultural life. All evidence shows that investment in literacy for women yields high development dividends.


Women's literacy has gained greater prominence on political agendas over the past decade, ever since the World Education Forum, in Dakar, at which governments set the goal of halving the number of adult illiterates by 2015. The UN Literacy Decade, running from 2003 to 2012, has given further impetus to reducing illiteracy. Illiteracy rates are dropping, yet approximately one adult in six is still unable to read or write; two out of three illiterate adults are women.


The world needs increased funding and sustained advocacy for quality literacy programmes that empower women and ensure that girls and boys at primary and secondary level do not become a new generation of young illiterates. The International Literacy Prizes awarded by UNESCO today to programmes in Cape Verde, Egypt, Germany and Nepal are examples of excellence and innovation. Each is tangible proof of literacy's profound and positive influence on women living in very different circumstances from rural environments to immigrant urban communities. Such programmes deserve to be widely replicated and expanded.

全世界需要为旨在增强妇女能力的高质量扫盲方案提供更多资金,开展持续的宣传,并确保小学和中学阶段的女童和男童不会成为新一代青年文盲。教科文组织今天把国际扫盲奖授予佛得角、埃及、德国和尼泊尔的方案,把这些方案作为卓越和创新的典范。每一个方案都实实在在地证明了识字对生活环境迥异 (从乡村环境到移民城市社区)的妇女产生的深远而积极的影响。这种方案应该得到广泛效仿和推广。

Every literate woman marks a victory over poverty. On this International Literacy Day I urge governments, donors, non-governmental organizations and all development partners to make literacy accessible to women everywhere. Literacy is an essential foundation for development and prosperity. Empowering women through literacy empowers us all.

