外贸英语- 接受与订货

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第十三讲 接受与订货 Acceptance and order


Acceptance [ək'sept(ə)ns] n. 接受 Confirm [kən'fɜːm] v. 确认

Item ['aɪtəm] n. 项目,商品,条款

Substitute ['sʌbstɪtjuːt] n. 替代品;v. 代替 Cancel ['kæns(ə)l] v. 取消,删去 Repeat [rɪ'piːt] v. 重复

Garment ['gɑːm(ə)nt] n. 服装

Specification [,spesɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n. 规格 Average ['æv(ə)rɪdʒ] n. 平均 Commodity [kə'mɒdɪtɪ] n. 商品 Stock [stɒk] n. 存货,股份 Purchase ['pɜːtʃɪs] n./v. 购买

Execution [,eksɪ'kjuːʃ(ə)n] n. 执行

备战句型: →确认订单:

Do you make an order right now? 你现在就订货吗?

If your price is favorable, we can book an order right away. 如果你方价格优惠,我们可以马上订货。 OK, I will order the goods now. 好的,我们现在就订货。

Yes, please confirm that you can supplyby the required date. 请确认你方能按期供应……


We need to make a change on our last order. 我们需要修改一下上次的订单。

We have one change to make in the order. 我们的订单有一处要更改。

Just double the second item in the order No. 105. 105号订单中第二项的订货数量要加倍。 Can we make a change on order No. 211? 我们可以修改一下211号订单吗? We want to substitute SM-45 for SM-25. 我们想把SM-45改成SM-25

Wed like to cancel the order for goods because of the change in the home market. 由于我们国内行情有变化,我们打算取消此货的订单。

What kind of change do you want to make?/ What kind of change do you have in mind?


Im afraid its too late. 很抱歉,太晚了。

Im afraid theyve been sent already. 很抱歉,已经发货了。

Sure, Ill be glad to take care of if for you. 没问题,我会竭诚为您服务的。 Ill look into this and do the best I can.



→接受报价Accepting the price

A: Mr. Baker, this is the first deal between us. In order to encourage future business, we cut our prices again and again. Are you satisfied with the prices we talked about last time?


B: Yes, generally speaking, I am satisfied with the prices because the quality of the product is good. Thank you for making the concession, I accept it.


A: Now Id like to repeat the price we have agreed on. The unit price of these garments is $ 72 per piece CIF New York. The unit price of the cotton cloth is $ 15 per yard CIF New York. Is that right?


B: What about the specifications? Dont you fix the prices according to the specification of the commodity?


A: We fix our prices on average about this commodity. Specifications are as shown in our catalogue. Would you accept our prices and confirm the terms?


B: Taking the quality into consideration, I accept your prices though on a slightly high side. 考虑到质量不错,我方接受你方的价格,尽管价格稍稍偏高。

A: In respect to quality, I dont think the goods of other brands can compare with ours. These patterns are relatively popular in the world market. We strongly recommend you to accept it as our stocks are running now.


B: Since this is the case, we are willing to conclude this transaction. 情况既然如此,我们愿意与你们达成这笔交易。

→准备订货Ready to order

A: We want to place an order with you. 现在我们要向你们订货了。

B: Very glad to hear that! I will be happy to accept your order, and will get to work on it right away.


A: We will send you a purchase order in two days. We want to ask you to hurry on the execution if the order.


B: I dont think that will be a problem, but Ill have to check and make sure. I’ll let you know when I confirm your purchase order. 我想着不会有问题,不过我还是得看一下才能确定。等确认购货单的时候,我再一起答复你。 A: Thanks. If we are satisfied with the products, I think we will make many orders later. 谢谢。如果产品令人满意,我们以后会下更多的订单。

→下订单Placing an order

A: We like your new samples, and are interested in placing an order with you as soon as possible. 我们很喜欢你们的新样品,打算尽快向你们订货。

B: Well, Im afraid that we cant send the order until after the Christmas holidays. Our company will be closed for another week.


A: Thats all right. We will send you a purchase order in one week. I hope you will be able to take care of it.


B: No problem. Once we get our purchase order, we will begin preparing the goods. 没问题。我们一接到您的订单就开始准备货物。 A: Thanks. 谢谢。
