
时间:2023-02-23 04:02:12 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
A:同学,你好!我是一名记者,现在我们想了解一下学生对大学生活的感受。请问你现在有空吗?不会打扰你太多时间的。 B:呃,ok

A:好的,谢谢你!请问你是几年级的?读什么专业? B:大三,中西医七年制。


B这个啊,还好啦,起码自己比较感兴趣,然后想以后做一个医生,希望自己可以成功啦! A:嗯,希望你能成功!那你觉得学校的环境如何啊?


A:哇,挺起来不错嘛,那你学习上和生活上的时间安排得合理吗? B:时间上安排的蛮好的,比较充实,有时有时间会去运动一下的。 A:哦,那你有时间的话有没有做兼职呢?


A:这个很好啊。冒昧问你个隐私一点的问题,你有没有女朋友啊? B:呃,这个,我现在还没有女朋友. A:不敢相信。那你平时去哪里游玩?


A:那以你的经验,你对大学城周边的安全问题如何看待呢? B:嗯,现在感觉还是蛮好,蛮安全的。



A: Hello! I am a reporter (journalist), and now we want to know about students felling of the life in their universities. Are you free now? It will not bother you too much time. B: uh, ok.

A: Thank you! Are you a new one? And what’s your major?

B: No. Im junior, and my major is Traditional Chinese Medicine. A: Oh, its nice. What do you think your major?

B: Ah, at least I was interested in it, and want to do a doctor in the future. I hope it can be successful!

A: Ah, I hope you can succeed! And what do you think the environment of your university?

B: Its very nice. And four individuals live together in a dormitory, as well as air conditioning and elevators are provided for our students. And the food in canteen is also very delicious, especially in the second canteen. And sometimes I could stroll the campus and look the herbal in the mountain.

A: wow, it sounds very fun. And then you can make the balance of time between leaning and daily life?

B: Yes, I can. And it’s more enriching. Sometimes I will take my free time to do

some sports.

A: Oh, so do you take some part-time job?

B: Ah, I do it occasionally and just do simple job.

A: This is very good. May I ask you a question with a little privacy: do you have a girlfriend?

B: uh, um, I do not have a girlfriend now.

A: Unbelievable. So where do you usually go to play?

B: I usually go to other universities to find my good friends to play table tennis, and sometimes go to the center of the lake to flying kites, and ride around the University City.

A: So in your mind, what do you think the security surrounding University City? B: ah, I just fell it’s fine, and very safe.

A: But I heard some cases on security around the university town recently, do you think we should how to respond for it as a student?

B: ah, we have already heard it . Well, in my view, in order to our safety, it is best for us to go out less at night, and also have to go together for going out. And then avoiding walking in the place where is dark and have no street lamp. Last but not least, to increase the awareness of our own nature. If there is something wrong on a situation that you face, ask for help immediately.
