(完整)海运提单中英文版 样本4-1 海运提单 1.SHIPPER (托运人)一般为出口商 2。CONSIGNEE(收货人)“order” 或“order of shipper”或“order of XXX Bank” 3。NOTIFY PARTY(通知人)通常为进口方或其代理人 4.PR-CARRIAGE BY (前程运输) 填feeder ship名即驳船名 6. OCEAN VESSEL VOY。 7。PORT OF LOADING NO.(船名及航次) 填大船名 (装货港) 填HKG 10。FINAL DESTINATION FOR THE MERCHANT’S REFERENCE (目的地) 仅当该B/L被用作全程转运时才填此栏(填NYC) 13。DESCRIPTION OF 14. G.W.(KG) 15。 MEAS(M) GOODS(货物名称) (毛重) 3B/L NO. COSCO 中国远洋运输(集团)总公司 CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING (GROUP) CO。 5。PLACE OF RECEIPT (收货地) 填Huangpu ORIGINAL Combined Transport Bill of Lading 8。PORT OF DISCHARGE 9。PLACE OF DELIVERY (卸货港)填LAX (交货地)若大船公司负责至NYC则填NYC;若负责至LAX则填LAX 11。MARKS (唛头) 12.NOS。 & KINDS OF PKGS(包装种类和数量) (体积) 16. TOTAL NUMBER OF CONTAINERS OR PACKAGES(IN WORDS) (总件数) 17.FREIGHT & REVENUE TONS RATE(运费PER(计费单位) PREPAID(运费预付) COLLECT (运费到付) CHARGES(运费) (运费吨) PREPAID(运费预付)或COLLECT (运费到付) PREPAID AT (预付地点) PAYABLE AT (到付地点) 率) 18。PLACE AND DATE OF ISSUE (出单地点和时间)一般与装船日一致 TOTAL PREPAID (预付总金额) 19.NUMBER OF ORIGINAL B(S)22.SIGNED FOR THE CARRIER L (正本提单的份数) 一般为3份 (承运人签章) 中国远洋运输(集团)总公司 CHINA OCEAN SHIPPING (GROUP) CO。 ××× 20。DATE (装船日期) 21。LOADING ON BOARD THE VESSEL BY(船名) BILL OF LADING (完整)海运提单中英文版 托运人 Shipper 中国对外贸易运输总公司 CHINA NATIONAL FOREIGN TRADE TRANSPORTATION CORP 收货人或指示 Consignee or order 通知地址 Notify address 前段运输 收货地点 Pre—carriage by Place of receipt 海运船只 Ocean vessel 装货港 Port of loading 联运提单 COMBINED TRANSPORT BILL OF LADING RECEIVED the goods in apparent good order and condition as specified below unless otherwise stated herein. The Carrier, in accordance with the provisions contained in this document。 1) undertakes to perform or to procure the performance of the entire transport from the place at which the goods are takes in charge to the place designated for delivery in this document ,and 2)assumes liability as prescribed in this document for such transport。 One of the Bills of Lading must be surrendered duly indorsed in exchange for the goods or delivery order。 正本提单份数 Number of original Bs/L 尺码(立方米) Measurement(m3) 卸货港 Port of discharge 交货地点 运费支付地 Place of delivery Freight payable at 标志和号码 件数和包装种类 货名 Marks and Nos。 Number and kind of Description of packages goods 毛重(公斤) Gross weight (kgs。) 以上细目由托运人提供 ABOVE PARTICCLARS FURNSHED BY SHIPER 运费和费用 Freight and charges IN WITNESS whereof the number of original Bills of Lading stated above have been signed, one of which being accomplished, the other(s) to be void。 签单地点和日期 Place and date of issue 代表承运人签字 Signed for or on behalf of the Carrier 代理 as Agents 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/78f4832d24fff705cc1755270722192e44365883.html