
时间:2022-10-02 04:06:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

One’S-SelF I singa simple, separate Person; Yet utter the word Democratic, the word En-masse. Of Physiology from top to toe I sing;

Not physiognomy alone, nor brain alone, is worthy for the museI say the Form complete is worthier far;

The Female equally with the male I sing. Of Life immense in passion, pulse, and power,

Cheerful—for freest action form’d, under the laws divine, The Modern Man I sing.

我歌唱一个人的自身、一个单一的个别的人、 不过要用民主的这个词、全体这个词的声音。 我歌唱从头到脚的生理学

我说不单只外貌和脑子,整个形体更值得歌吟, 而且,与男性平等,我也歌唱女性。 我歌唱现代的人,



Our share of night to bear -- Our share of morning -- Our blank in bliss to fill Our blank in scorning -- Here a star, and there a star,

Some lose their way!

Here a mist, and there a mist, Afterwards -- Day! 我们有一份黑夜要忍受— 我们有一份黎明—

我们有一份欢乐的空白要填充— 我们有一份憎恨— 这里一颗星那里一颗星, 有些,迷了方向! 这里一团雾那里一团雾, 然后,阳光!

The Brain -- is wider than the Sky -- For -- put them side by side -- The one the other will contain With ease -- and You -- beside -- The Brain is deeper than the sea -- For -- hold them -- Blue to Blue -- The one the other will absorb -- As Sponges -- Buckets -- do -- The Brain is just the weight of God -- For -- Heft them -- Pound for Pound -- And they will differ -- if they do -- As Syllable from Sound -- 头脑,比天空辽阔—— 因为,把他们放在一起——

一个能包含另一个 轻易,而且,还能容你—— 头脑,比海洋更深—— 因为,对比他们,蓝对蓝—— 一个能吸收另一个 象水桶,也象,海绵—— 头脑,和上帝相等—— 因为,称一称,一磅对一磅—— 他们,如果有区别—— 就象音节,不同于音响——

