
时间:2022-06-27 21:58:19 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



People mountain people sea, today is mother ‘s birthday of the 原来是姐姐叫我去放烟花。我们兴高采烈地去放烟花,就在这时爸爸拿了一motherland, the street is busy! Shop is auspicious, there are red 个烟花点了火,要扔出去的时候烟花爆了。我们大惊失色地向爸爸跑去,爸lanterns on the street...The darkness came quickly, bundles beautiful 爸的手被炸的流出血来,我们赶紧上医院,医生说: “幸好没事,只是皮flowers in the air, the bright flowers like a little angel in dance, bundles of flowers like I put on both sides of the street. Just still quiet street busy right away. Suddenly, I heard someone call me, turned out to be the elder sister call I go to fireworks. We happily to fireworks, then dad took a fireworks lit the fire, when to throw out the fireworks burst. We are frightened to disgrace to daddy, daddy hand blown were bleeding, we hesitate to go to the hospital, the doctor said,

“but that ‘s ok, just skin injury. We didn ‘t put down the heart to it. On the way home, we talk to dad said:

“be careful next time. “ Dad smiled shyly, we laughed, too.Today is a happy day!今天是祖国妈妈的生日,街上人山人海,可热闹了!店门口都有吉祥语,街上有红灯笼 … …夜幕很快降临了,一束束美丽的花朵升上空中,那鲜艳的花朵像一个个小天使在翩翩起舞,一束束花朵像是火树银花,

外伤。 ”我们这才放下心来。回家的路上,我们跟爸爸说: “下回要小心啊。 ”爸爸不好意思地笑了,我们也笑了起来。今天真是快乐的一天!
