
时间:2022-08-25 01:54:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
除了 happy ,这 10 个英文单词也表示“高兴”“开心”!

27 原创文章可能大部分的同学,一提到“高 兴” “开心”“快乐”,就只能想到ppy 了。那今天蛋老师就给 大家普及下英文单词吧,希望大家能多多使用其他的单词表 达自己愉快的心情哦。 1. Cheerfulhappy, or behaving in a way

that shows you are happy 愉快的,开心的举例: You have a cheerful smile. 你喜笑颜开。 2. Joyfulvery happy, or likely to make people very happy 欢乐的; 令人高兴的举

例: New Year is a joyful holiday for kids. 对孩子来说,新年是 一个快乐的节日。 3. MerryIf you describe

someone's character or behaviour asmerry, you mean that they are happy and cheerful. 欢快的举例: She had a merry laughter when she heard the joke. 她听到这个笑话开

怀大笑。 4. Delightfulvery pleasant 令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的举例: She is a delightful little girl. 她是一个讨喜的小女孩。 5. Pleasantenjoyable or attractive and making

you feel happy 令人愉快的, 惬意的, 舒适的举例: Thank you for giving me such as a pleasant evening. 谢谢你给我

一个那么惬意的夜 晚。 6. Over the moon “在月亮之上”表示兴高采烈,非常 high 举例:He was over the moon when he

got the first prize. 他得第一名时,他喜出望外。 7. In

high spirits 兴高采烈,情

绪高涨举例: Everyone is in high spirits in that party. 在那 个聚会上,所有人都很

high 8. On the top of the world

在世界之巅,表示“非常快乐幸福高兴”举例:Tom was on the

top of the word after a big meal. 在饱餐一顿后,汤姆高兴

得如站在世界之巅了。 9. Paint the town red 把城涂成红色, 有点 rock n roll (摇滚)的感觉,所以是非常兴奋,非常开 心的意思。 举例: Are you gonna paint the town red

tonight? 你晚上要 high 到底吗? 10. Rejoiceto feel or show that you are very happy 喜悦,欣喜举例: His family rejoiced at the good news. 他家里人听到这好消息,都欢呼雀

跃。 「作者简介」蛋老师,凭英语、写作、演讲成为一名自由教 育者,专注分享一切关于英语学习的疑难杂症、国外新鲜资 讯。微信公号:蛋蛋英语 ID dannaosi 原创文章转载 请私信。
