本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 雅思听力真题模拟训练 选择答案: A B C 2 雅思听力真题训练 12 Travelite currently offer walking holidays 听力题(共5题,共5.0分) Questions 11-15 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Q1.MP3null 1 11 To find out how much holidays cost, you should press button ?[A] one. ?[B] two. ?[C] three. ?[A] only in Western Europe. ?[B] all over Europe. ?[C] outside Europe. 3 13 The walks offered by Travelite ?[A] cater for a range of walking abilities. 第 1 页 共 3 页选择答案: A B C 本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 ?[B] are planned by guides from the large room. local area. ?[C] are for people with good fitness levels. 选择答案: A B C 4 14 On Travelite holidays, people holidaying alone pay ?[A] the same as other clients. ?[B] only a little more than other clients. ?[C] extra only if they stay in a 5 15 Entertainment is provided ?[A] when guests request it. ?[B] most nights. ?[C] every night. 第 2 页 共 3 页选择答案: A B C 选择答案: A B C 本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 听力题(共5题,共5.0分) been offering a wide variety of walking holidays to suit all tastes for just three Questions 11-15 years, but already we have won two awards for excellence in this field. We offer guided Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. walking tours to suit the discerning 听力原文: traveller in twelve different centres throughout the whole ofWestern Europe. We SPEAKER 1: Thank you for calling the free Travelite Travel Agency Information are planning to open our first centre outside this area in the coming year, so watch Line. You will not be charged for this call. out for developments. Q12 In order to deal with all calls effectively, we offer you a number of options. But the pride of Travelite is the level of guidance and support we offer on our Please listen carefully and press your required number at the appropriate time, or walks. All are planned in detail by our highly trained guides, who all work in a variety dial a new number. of If you want to hear about special offers, please press one. If you want to hear our latest price lists, please press two. If you want to make a complaint, please press three. If you want information about our new walking holidays, please press four now. Q11 SPEAKER 2: Thank you for calling our Travelite Walking Holidays Line. We have 第 3 页 共 3 页 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/67fc57ff0a75f46527d3240c844769eae009a32c.html