理解魔鬼 一位渔夫从大海里捞上来一只密封的瓶子, 他打开了瓶口,瓶子中冒出了魔鬼。 A fisherman got a sealed bottle from the sea.The devil came out of the bottle when he opened it. 魔鬼不但不思报恩,却扬言杀死渔夫Instead of thanking the fisherman,he threatened to kill the fisherman.„„ 当然,聪明的渔夫并没有死,他机智地使魔鬼重新回到了瓶中,又将瓶子投回了大海。Certainly,the clever fisherman didn’t die.He made the devil back to the bottle wittily and threw the bottle to the sea. 与几乎所有的寓言都教导我们弃恶从善的人生道理一样,善良的渔夫及他的聪明和残忍的魔鬼及他的愚蠢在故事中泾渭分明,一目了然。As the almost every fable,it taught us to sake devil for good.The contrast between the virtuous fisherman’s intelligence and the cruel devil’s stupid was obvious 突然有一天,我们意识到了某种忽略,某种不公平。我们忽略了魔鬼的自我申辩,即他为什么要杀死渔夫的理由。 However, we realized something that was ignored and unfair one day.We reckoned without the self-defense of the devil,that is,this is the reason why he wanted to kill the fisherman. 魔鬼说,在他被囚禁而投入海中的头三百年,他日夜期盼着被人救起,他决心让救他出海的恩人富有、长寿,然而没有人来救他;在接下来的三百年中,他仍期盼着被人救起,暗自许诺令救他的人荣华富贵,但仍然无人救他;他又期盼了三百年,在这后三百年间,他仍然存了对恩人的报答之心,但结果仍令他失望。三个三百年过去了,魔鬼在等待、期盼中度过了九百年,被煎熬了九百年!最后,他在彻底绝望之下,对世界充满恶意地发下毒誓:谁若再来救他,他将杀死此人。 The devil said,in the first 300 years, he was imprisoned in the bottle under the sea,and was very eager to be rescued day and night. He decided that whoever set him free could own wealth and longevity in reward, but no one came.In the next 300 years,he was still waiting for his deliverer whom he would make him prosperous, but nobody appeared. During the third 300 years he was still retaining the desire to reward his saver.then he was disappointed again. For as long as 900 years,the devil spent 900 years waiting and suffering with expectation.Eventually,with thorough desperation he viciously swore to the world that he will kill who rescued him. 至今想起这个故事,我仍然敬佩寓言的创作者,他其实并没有把事件简单化,而是十分客观地让魔鬼陈述了杀人的理由。如果设身处地站在魔鬼的立场上,如果你也有过那种漫长的煎熬般的等待的体验,相信你会对魔鬼生出同情。 So far,when thinking of this story,I still admire the author of the fable.In fact,he didn’t simplify the matter, but objectively allowed the devil to state the reason of killing the fisherman. If one put himself in the devil’s position and try to relieve all the sufferings he endured in the long frustrating hope, one would likely to show sympathy to the devil. 公元1995年的某一天晚上,天津的一位作家打来长途电话,说第二天要来北京,并要来看我,嘱咐我从中午起,就在家中守候。第二天中午,我从编辑部赶回家中,不敢睡午觉(怕他来电话我听不见),不敢出门买菜(怕恰在我出门的那一刻他来电话或来敲门),死坐在椅子上等待。等到天黑之时,等来了一个电话,说他现在从建国门外的一位朋友家里出发,估计“半个小时”左右到我这里。我大松一口气,连忙利用这“半个小时”时间出门买了些简单的食品,回来后又催促家人赶紧吃饭,免得和客人挤在一个时间,饭桌不够用。家里人草草吃毕晚饭,我这里一切准备就绪了,客人又没有了消息。两个小时后,晚八点整,当那作家和另一位朋友终于敲开我的家门,高嚷着“打不到车”步入客厅时,疲惫万般的我,只苦笑着说了一句话:“那魔鬼的杀人之心,实在是可以理解的。” One evening in 1995, a writer made a long distance call to me from Tianjin,declaring that he would come to Beijing and visit me the following day.He asked me to wait for him at home since noon.At the next day noon,I rush home from the editorial department.I dare not to sleep so as not to miss the call he gave me.Neither did I went out to go shopping in case he came during my absence.I could do nothing but sit waiting.It was the dusk when a call from him told me that he would start now from a friend's home and arrive in half an hour.Giving a sigh of relief,I hastened to go and buy some food in half an hour.Then I urged my family to have their mealso that they could be spared from dinner table,which was not spacious enough for all of us. When they had finished in a hurry and I got everything ready,the visitor still didin’t appear.Two hours later,at 8 p.m. sharp,when the author and his friend knocked on my door,entering the parlour in complaining loudly how hard it was to get a taxi. I was exhausted on the point of replying with a forced smile, "The devil is quite excusable when he said he intended to kill. He should be given his due." 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/68450343be1e650e52ea994f.html