讲英语用英语怎么说 你知道讲英语的英语怎么说吗?下面一起来看看吧。 讲英语的英文释义: speak English 讲英语的英文例句: 她将很快学会讲英语。 She will soon learn to speak English. 这位同志会讲英语,而且讲得很好。 This comrade speaks English, and that very well. 我们应培养学生流利而准确地讲英语。 We should train our students to speak English fluently and accurately. 你经常跟同事们讲英语吗? Do you often speak English with your colleagues? 你经常跟朋友们讲英语吗? Do you often speak English with your friends? 蒙纳:晚上好,请问您讲英语吗? Mona: Good evening. Do you speak English? 除了我的母语汉语外,我还能讲英语和法语。 Besides Chinese,my mother tongue,I can also speak English and French. 逼着他们跟你讲英语,你才会占上风。 Force them to speak English and you win. 你经常跟同学们讲英语吗? Do you often speak English with your classmates? 在北京的美国人不知道你会不会讲英语。 Americans in Beijin may not know you speak English. 如梅:大山,请你只讲英语。 Rumei: Dashan, please speak English only 除了中文,我会讲英语,在学校时学过法语,现在都忘了。 Other than Chinese,I speak English.I learned some French in school,but forgetall of it. 蒙纳:你讲英语吗? Mona: Do you speak English? 而且因为中国大多数中高级管理者在美国接受了必要的系统的训练,他们倾向于讲英语,而年轻的博士们出人意料讲的很流利。 And because most senior and middle managers in China received essentialscientific training in the U.S., they tend to speak English, with young PhDssurprisingly fluent. 凯西:大山,请你讲英语,我听不懂你在说什么。 Kathy: Dashan, please speak English. I can't understand you. 如果一个居民不讲英语,那么普查员将会把抽认卡拿给他,他/她选择自己懂的那门语言就可以了。 If a resident doesn't speak English, the census taker shows the flashcard to the resident, and the resident points to the language he/she speaks. 我们都知道英语很有用,世界上有许多人讲英语。 We all know that English is very useful. Many people in the world speak English. 例如,在印度尼西亚的爪哇中部地区,那里会讲英语的儿童就是用这种方法练习口语的。 As an example, the children from central Java in Indonesia who can speak Englishuse the same method. 您讲英语吗? Do you speak English? 请问有没有会讲英语的? Is there anyone who can speak English? 我的老师从来不那样讲英语! My teacher never spoke English like that! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/68af9fce75a20029bd64783e0912a21614797f1b.html