“中式英语”英语怎么说 名词解释:中式英语(Chinglish)指带有汉语词汇、语法、表达习惯的英语,是一种具有中国特色的语言。你知道怎么用英语表达吗? Some Chinglish expressions, most of which are just word-to-word translation, have attracted attention from the English-speaking world. Besides the familiar expressions "people mountain, people sea", which means a great number of people, and "long time no see", which means "haven't seen you for ages", new buzzwords like "no zuo no die", "you can you up, no can no bb" have been included in English. "You can you up, no can no bb" is a bizarre but interesting combination of Chinese culturally specific words and ungrammatical English translations. Short as it is, it contains rich information, meaning "if you can do it, you should go up and do it; if you cannot do it, then stop criticizing others." 一些中式英语表达法在英语国家中引起了人们的注意。这些表达法大多都只是字对字的字面翻译。 除了为人熟知的表达法,如“人山人海”(表示人非常多)和“好久不见”(表示很长时间没见过面)之外,一些新的流行语,如“不作死就不会死”和“你行你来做,不行少啰嗦”等也进入到了英语中。 “你行你来做,不行少啰嗦”将中国文化中特有的词语和不符合英语语法的翻译奇怪而又有趣地组合在了一起。该词虽短,其含义却相当丰富。这个词的意思是:“如果你能做,你就上去做;如果你做不了,就不要批评别人。” 【讲解】 文中的Chinglish就是“中式英语”的意思,很明显,这是一个由Chinese和English拼缀而成的单词,这种构词法在英语中称为拼缀法(blending),又比如brunch(早午餐,由breakfast和lunch拼缀而成)、smog(雾霾,由smoke和fog拼缀而成)及guestimate(瞎猜,由guess和estimate拼缀而成)。 此外,文中的bizarre解释为“奇异的;怪诞的”,其同义词可以是strange。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/ac6a33052c60ddccda38376baf1ffc4ffe47e230.html